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Horn sounding on it's own


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New Member
Jun 18, 2019
So I just finished swapping a used GN column into my car to replace the broken Cutlass column (LONG story) in my '87 GN. Now if you bump the new column or turn the wheel at all the horn will sound in a constant tone. The horn button itself does not seem to actually do anything. I have had the horn pad apart and there doesn't seem to be an issue with the contacts.

Any ideas on how I should go about fixing this particular issue? Do I need to pull the wheel off and check inside for a chaffed wire? Could it be a sensitive relay? I'm leaning more towards a chaffed wire in the column at the moment.

Thanks everyone!
If you have a multimeter you can do a resistance check. Disconnect battery and measure between ground and your horn wiring. Should only read short when horn button is pressed

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The wire is grounding out somewhere. I'm having a hard time attaching the schematic. A red wire runs from C100 (the bulkhead connector) to the horn relay.
A black wire runs from the horn relay to C104 which is on top of the steering column, to the horn slip ring. So most likely either the horn slip ring is shorted to ground or the wire between the relay, C104 and the slip ring is shorted to ground.
Same thing happened to me. There's a little white plastic piece under the horn button that if the plastic has broken a piece off will ground the horn out. Fortunately the piece was still there and super glued together. Hope your problem is this easy of a fix.
Same thing happened to me. There's a little white plastic piece under the horn button that if the plastic has broken a piece off will ground the horn out. Fortunately the piece was still there and super glued together. Hope your problem is this easy of a fix.

This [emoji1426].... simple fix and I think part is available in local parts store Help aisle

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Well from what I can tell after having it apart again a piece of thin steel flashing from under the steering wheel nut was sticking up and contacting the horn button plate. This has solved the horn sounding at the slightest motion of the wheel or column.

Now however my horn button itself is very intermittent. I suspect button itself is worn out, it doesn't seem to make good contact when pressed. Is there a fix for this or are there aftermarket reproductions available?
I just put the OEM 300 kit on my 250rr. It came with a new cdi.

First, what does the horn have to do with the map?
Second, how do I know if this cdi has dual map?
Third, what wire needs to be grounded?

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So just an update that isn't a spam bot reply...

I had the wheel off today because reasons that I won't get into and broke the plastic tube retainer for the horn wire. After fixing my dumb fuck up by making a new hole for the tab to slot into, my horn now works 100% properly. Much confused, but whatever I'll take it!

I did discover that the ring connector that is riveted to the horn button likes to rotate and ground out on the horn pad, so rotating that around also solved the intermittent honking I believe. I may go a step further and paint the exposed part in liquid tape to prevent it from happening again.