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hotair propane results.. sort of.


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cookin with propane
May 27, 2001
hey guys just figured id make a little post about my experiences with the pro pain kit on a hotair.

23psi no knock.

ive done it a few times but i have a few things causing false knock (horrible motor mounts and the dp hitting the a-arm, which are related) which are gonna get dealt with this weekend, so other than false knock, i have pretty much no knock up to 23psi on 93 octane gas with the hotair turbo. (btw the way i know its false is it happens RIGHT when the motor torques over, and then goes away forever...)

in a week i might have the stage 3 cheetah back on, and im thinking i could have a bad maf, or atleast it may be on its way out, so once the cheetah is on, im going to borrow an 87 maf and 87 chip and we'll see how it does with the new turbo.
Propane injection is great news for the hot air guys! I sure havn't heard any complaints!

What we haven't heard yet, is the improvements in track times that result from the use of propane. I'm sure that will change shortly...

Nice to hear the good news NIck! 23 psi seems to be what everyone else has been getting. Watch out for the knock monster!
line comes up over the hydroboost and goes into the plastic inlet pipe where it makes the 90 * turn to the TB