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Active Member
Jun 15, 2006
The Houston Buick Club will hold its annual picnic on Sunday April 18th at Bear Creek Park, 12:00 noon `til 4:00 pm. The picnic area is located off Clay Rd. between Eldridge & Hwy 6. Turn in on Bear Creek Drive. Look for the HBC Banner. We will be cooking hamburgers & hot dogs with chips & drinks. Members can bring side dishes or dessert. This event is for the whole family. We will have a short meeting to discuss Elections coming up in May. We are looking for new officers & trustees. Shine up your Buick & come on out. :)- Robert Mahnke
Just a reminder that the Picnic is this Sunday. Looks like good weather.:eek:

I haven't been able to make it to the picnic since 2007, a month after I got my GN. It was my first Houston Buick Club meeting. Finally this year it's actually running and I can go! See ya there.
You could have attended without the GN, :confused:no rules say you have to bring your Buick, just a plus if you do.:) See ya there.
too depressing seeing everyones GN and knowing mine is down for the count. Been a rough 3 years for us, but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Finally got rid of the girl that was keeping us a apart, so now the GN and I can finally be together, lol. My new girl supports us 100%, so it's full speed ahead on the resto. Both my loves will be there sunday, lol.

I will call you tommorow. to see what time we need to set up. I was going to leave after church around 10:30 and get their around 11am to set up.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is 60%:mad: between 12 & 3 pm. It was supposed to rain today, but did not. Steve & I will make the call in the morning by 9:00 am to continue or postpone the picnic. I will post on here, v8buick & Yahoo groups boards also.:) - Robert Mahnke.
We decided to cancel the picnic because of the weather & reschedule for next Sunday, April 25th, same times. Hoping for better weather. - Robert Mahnke
My wife wants to kill me

Robert!!! LOL

I forgot to check email last night... Deah got up at 5am and started baking.. LOL.. See you guys next Sunday..
Looks like all the rain has passed through, nothing but sunshine :cool: next 2 days. We`ll see you all Sunday @ noon. I will get there early to set up.:)
I had fun. Got a flat on the way there. Without a spare nonetheless. But the Houston Buick Club did not leave a brother stranded.

The GNX from Stephen Seagal's "Out for Justive" showed up after almost everyone left.

Let's see the pics Robert.
I had fun. Got a flat on the way there. Without a spare nonetheless. But the Houston Buick Club did not leave a brother stranded.

The GNX from Stephen Seagal's "Out for Justive" showed up after almost everyone left.

Let's see the pics Robert.

Seriously, the actual car from the movie?
Yeah. He said that they found 2 bullet holes in the door when they painted it. And that it was owned by Paramount.
Any pics? I hope to make one of these very soon. The cars coming together nicely.:)
Video Posting

I made an HD video for myself that I posted on youtube. You can check it out but be forewarned, I talk about how my car is the greatest. ;)

Next time I'll make one just for the club and won't talk.

johnwayne1920 is my account. There are other videos from club events on there too.

YouTube - Untitled