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#1 OFFENSE VS #1 DEFENSE (and if you don't know which teams those are then you don't know football;))

Saints vs Jets!

I don't think the Jets are gonna pull it off. If they do, how do you think the Colts are going to feel knowing they let the Jets in the playoffs!!

Ed, I have to work Sunday night. If I didn't, I'd be there.
jets are going

Saints vs Jets!

I don't think the Jets are gonna pull it off. If they do, how do you think the Colts are going to feel knowing they let the Jets in the playoffs!!

Ed, I have to work Sunday night. If I didn't, I'd be there.

yeah i bet you also didn't think they would be in the championship game either:eek:
Nope, didn't think they would beat the Chargers. I'm pulling for the Jets to beat the Colts.
They were run over by a truck today. What a fraud. All week it sounded like they had won the Superbowl. They have not done anything in a generation.

It was great to see Jerry Jones stumbling around on the sideline near the end of the game. He looked like someone just stole his wallet.

They need to get rid of Mr October....Tony Romo....3 fumbles and an int.

What NFL franchise do you follow?
maybe next yr

my wife is a huge fan, me i'm not that wild about them but cheer them on just to keep the piece. game looked like a HS team against a pro team to me. just wonder what changes they'll make in the offseason and if garrett will get a promotion. i haven't watched sports center since the game but they lost plain and simple and just didnt show up to play a team that was. i don't know who'll be in the bowl, but i'll watch it. anyone have any input on changes that need to be made, i know the O line looked like some rookies in there. The D, even though they were good during the season just got beat by a great Q back and some good receivers plain and simple. i personally hope farve gets another ring before he retires but who knows and who knows if he'll retire. oh well maybe next year.