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How do I receive money via PayPal?


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May 29, 2001
I've paid with it but how do you GET paid with it?

Do I send a request only? Does it send them your email address or your eBay username? How do you transfer that money back out of your account? Can you just have it go into the account you normally withdraw from?

TIA - Roger
You have to register a bank account with them; you need to provide an actual account number, and routing number, of course the name of the bank, too.
PayPal will make two deposits into the account, each of those deposits are under a dollar, then you go back in and tell PayPal what the specific amount of the deposits were and it activates the account.
It will cost a small percentage more to accept credit card payments, but it is worth it because most people use credit cards to buy on-line.
People make payments to you based on your e-mail address - which will be your user ID for PayPal; of course your password is secure and of your choosing.
The registration process takes a few days depending on how fast your bank posts deposits and how fast you get back to PayPal to activate the account.
When you have money in your PayPal account you will be notified ONE TIME by PayPal through e-mail, then you log-in, and withdrawl money into your account and PayPal will fire off an e-mail notifing you that the electronic transaction is in process and may tak a few days depending on your specific bank.
If you get more than $500 per month, you need to provide your social security number to PayPal - no social security number and you are limited to $500 per month.