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How do ricers run so much nos with F/I


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Active Member
Apr 9, 2002
:confused:I don't understand how imports with forced induction are able to run 50 or even up to a 100 or more more hp of nos with out it being a big deal.. and how a 50 shot will kill a Buick TR?

:( Are little 2.0 rice turbo rice motors that much stronger than a 3.8:confused: I don't think so but it has to make you wonder.
Once I understand the F.A.S.T. better I think I will try a small shot like 25-30 hp. Should add about 40-50 HP.
I know more boost will make the car faster too but I would think a TR (or any car for that matter) would run faster with say 20lbs boost (18 before nos) than one with just 20 lbs of boost.
If I am smoking crack will someone please explain it to me!

I think it has to do with the rpm's they turn-about 8grand or so.
The more more rpm's and the quicker a moter revs the better it will take a shot of gas(like spraying 50 on a 900cc bike,only .9liters,less than 1/4 size of buick 3.8). Just my .02!!:D
:)Yes I sorta knew that from my ls1 about not spraying below 3000 rpm's but I would THINK a well tuned 3.8 TR could take a 50 hit from say 3500-5500 rpm's spraying once the car is in 2nd gear.
Some guys jet the fuel pill up once size on a wet system to play it safe.
Mine handled a 50 shot off the line with no was my wastegate that had the problem when it was pulled out of the turbo and had to be helicoiled. That was an instant 21 lbs of boost:)
C'mon, a 50 shot won't kill a TR engine any more than a Honda engine. I've been spraying mine with the FAST ecu, on top of 28 psi boost no less. Its all in the calibration, especially timing. Many TR experimenters probably didn't/don't retard timing when spraying IMO, nor do they really know what a/f ratio they were/are running. The wb O2 FAST makes all that easy. We have several 10/9 sec Supras here that all spray 75-100 shots- they have to basically, since they tend to make horrible choices on turbine size IME. Plus HKS doesn't offer anything sane either ;-) Fortunately most of us GN/TR peeps are a bit smarter than that- right (?) ;-)

If I recall the map was about 18 deg at 28 psi, then took out another 4 deg for a 75 shot. That was for the old engine, have a new one now.


WOW :eek: No one told me that a 50 shot of nitrous would hurt my motor....I DONT THINK SO !........After i don't know how many bottles through my motor i have never run anything under a 75 shot, the car loves it. and i think i am one of the only guys that runs 7 fogger nozzles on a TR .....and believe me thats going to spray more than just 50;) heck i have put this motor throught living hell and she just keeps on kicking A**. So don't be affraid to spray a little or alot of gogo juice these cars love it :cool: oh word of advice if you don't have traction problems now you will once you put the squirt to it:p
I don't think NOS is the monster some would have you believe. A small shot (50 - 75) should not hurt the motor if it is tuned properly. Start with a well tuned car, use good gas with reasonable timing, and monitor knock.

Care to share some of your times and mods to your car

I hope you are running 10's with that car.

I think running NOS in the 80's and early 90's when turbos and injectors weren't at the current technology as today was a good idea. However with todays turbos and injector sizes available.... why run NOS at all? You can easily go 10's with a moderately sized turbo without NOS.

Alchy and pump gas with 21-22* timing and 23-24lbs of boost I can understand.... but a fogger system on a turbo car I no comprende. Having a solenoid stay open is an event I don't care to witness more than once. Not worth having your car burn to the ground.

I am curious about your mph and et's and mods to the engine.


I looked at the new trik pieces that have the NOS going into the manifold w/ the injectors... Kinda neat?? BIG BUCKS TOO!
Also have an article from Pop. Hotrodding 1978, that has the little trik deal explained where as the NOS is sprayed into the compressor hsg and it accelerates the turbo about 20% faster. The article goes on to show that the NOS also cuts the lag even more due to the added exh gas volume and psi.. shows how to wire and plumb it so once the boost is up, the system switches over to running the NOS thru the manifold.
It's claimed that, due to the -128*F temp of the NOS, that a 50HP shot will result in 100-150HP, due to the colder intake charge..:eek: :eek:
Don't know if they are still in business.. Wheatly& Schneck, Tuscon AZ.

It's fun to "re-live the past" w/ these old archived articles!! I guess most all of do that.. 'cept Cairns. His is a whole new world everyday!!..:D :D

Originally posted by Chuck Leeper
I looked at the new trik pieces that have the NOS going into the manifold w/ the injectors... Kinda neat?? BIG BUCKS TOO!
Also have an article from Pop. Hotrodding 1978, that has the little trik deal explained where as the NOS is sprayed into the compressor hsg and it accelerates the turbo about 20% faster. The article goes on to show that the NOS also cuts the lag even more due to the added exh gas volume and psi.. shows how to wire and plumb it so once the boost is up, the system switches over to running the NOS thru the manifold.
It's claimed that, due to the -128*F temp of the NOS, that a 50HP shot will result in 100-150HP, due to the colder intake charge..:eek: :eek:
Don't know if they are still in business.. Wheatly& Schneck, Tuscon AZ.

It's fun to "re-live the past" w/ these old archived articles!! I guess most all of do that.. 'cept Cairns. His is a whole new world everyday!!..:D :D

I was talking to a guy who has been drag racing for years (runs single digits) and he had a Buick in the late 80's and early 90's. He did that. He said he used NOS cheater parts and put it on the compressor housing. I didn't know it would do anything like that though. That's really interesting. Can you make a copy of the article?
Thats sounds good, but wouldnt spraying nitrous into compressor be asking for an explosion? It must get really hot and with the nitrous.........
Naasss Spray??

Automorph... The N2O is sprayed on the compressor side, NOT the turbine side... Temps on compressor are near the same as I/C inlet temps. With NOS At 128*F below zero, the cooling effect is significant, to say the least.;) ;)
BTW, at 117 MPH, your car should be in the 11.30 - 40 range on ET. I'd go to work on the short times and see what can be achieved there.. Sounds like you have near enough HP to run real low 11's.
I am hoping for some low 11's this year if the car gets out, but have this thing with a friend as I need to do it on DR (anti- slick). I think I only could get a 1.7 best out of a DR. Going to try to make more power and see if I can find those low 11's.

Originally posted by automorph
Thats sounds good, but wouldnt spraying nitrous into compressor be asking for an explosion? It must get really hot and with the nitrous.........

Nitrous is not flamable just really cold.....

Guy's, go easy if you are planning to using a kit and much boost. Things will happen very fast, those things could be the car , or the wall or the crank being run over." stacking" a kit on top of boost can be trouble,what ever your jet combo say's tripple it! A 50hp kit + boost=150 and if your wastgate is set at 15lbs and you grab that 50 it could become 20 quick. Denser air between t-body and valves = more boost without changing wastgate setting . Yes with FAST or other pms you should be able to do it without many issues, with stock chip settup, good luck. I you are hell bent on trying it keep the bottle pressure down , 750 to 850 max at least until you know what you are dooing. As for the import guys, the fast racers hace parts to handle big boost +NO2 the guys running around on the street grabbing 150 may get away with it for a wile but when that wile is up it's not good.Most racers set there cars up to runone power adder to run two without breaking parts badly takes $$$$$ and a good FMS and LUCK.