How happy R U w/ the area that U live in???


2speed 1day fast & faster
Nov 25, 2002
I'm starting my job hunting for when I am done w/ school in Dec.. I REALLY don't like the Washington D.C. area, sorry for those that live here. So, I've gotta leave!!! There are just too many cars and the house are SOooooo close together, need some land, like 5+ arc or so. Also, I want to live in a place where people don't look at me crosseyed fopr saying hello in passing on the street. I'll have my degree in Mec. Engineering. I was thinking most of all about the west / mid-west. I think top on the list is CO, then NM, CA, NV, and AZ. Those that live there, let me know what you think.

Might want to also post this in the geographically-designated Forums here on the board...especially the Southwestern Forum.

HTH :)
I very much enjoy the area I live in right now. I wasn't quite sure if I would enjoy the South, but the people are friendlier, weather nicer, and scenery is much better than the Midwest. The cost of living is very cheap in the Fla-PanHandle and their ARE upscale areas and not just Redneck Riviera type of activities. Jobs are hard to come by though in almost all professions. My wife and I are lucky because Education and Medicine are in-demand fields in Florida. I've previously lived in Indiana and Missouri. I hated Missouri! In fact, I called it MISERY! :p

The weather was much worse up North in the summer and winter....

do NOT live in Indiana whatever you do...there's nothing but cornfields and the laws suck! i think we are the only state in the U.S. that doesn't allow alcohol sales on a sunday! (at least that's what i have heard)

it's BORING out here...and generally the people in this state are "fugly" lookin if you know what i mean...hard to find lots of cute females like you do in the southern and western states :)
Well if you like traffic, come up here to the NY metropolitan area.:D :mad:

I've lived here in NJ all my life and except for the traffic, cost of living, traffic, taxes, traffic, crowds, inconsiderate people, yada yada yada, it's not to bad. It's home for me afterall.

However, don't come here. It's already too crowded.

I've traveled alot for work and I'd probably say the two nicest places I've visited are the Phoenix area and the Twin Cities area of MN. My future sister in law lives in Winston-Salem, NC and that's not a bad area either. No offense to anyone who lives there, but I don't care to much for the midwest. Too much nothing.

Good luck in wherever you go. In no time, it'll just feel like home.
Yeah you have some good choices stick with them.

Stay away from our area if you like cars because they just don't adore them up here as in other parts. Plus the weather sucks up here..
Also we are getting the crowded from people moving in WHY I can't figure other than it is cheaper to live..
No booze sales in CT on Sundays either, you're not alone. They did just pass a law letting them stay open an hour later on the other 6 days of the week. (9PM) Parts of CT are nice and I like the town I just moved to (North Haven) My neighborhood is just far enough away from the business areas but close enough too if that makes any sense.

CT probably would not be a wise choice to pack up and move too if you have other choices. Cost of living is very high around here and jobs are scarce too.
FLA is the place to be........:cool:

Weather,cost of living cheap(in most places),country living still available pretty cheap, lots of jobs(in most places),friendly people, tropical type settings(most places),property value rising,racing all year round,lots of shopping and of course the beaches....Lots lots more.

I left the Mid West a year ago and have never looked back.

I have also seen a crap load of people move down here expecting to make it without any trade or education and everyone has moved or is planning to move back where they came from ...... "what do you mean I cant live in that fancy gated community?"

Keep a good head on your shoulders and you will be fine where ever you end up.

Just my 02
The Charlotte area is great! Lots of stuff going on all the time and lots of car intrest. There's a good TR croud that gets along great and often. The Blue Ridge Mountains are great and only 1 1/2 hours away. The beach is close too! I'm originaly from Northwestern PA, the home of unemployment, rust, and nothing to do! I love this area! I work in Mooresville, the fastest growing town in the U.S. now. As long as you don't put down NASCAR, Dale Sr., and like true BBQ it's worth checking out. Oh yeah, if you wave or say hello to a complete stranger your garanteed to get the same in return or more.

Originally posted by V8KILLR
Also, I want to live in a place where people don't look at me crosseyed fopr saying hello in passing on the street.
Uh....dont move to the Chicago area then. Not too friendly.....I lived in central Florida for a few months last year, nice people, but nothing to do. I do enjoy the northern part of the state more though. The only problem is the non-stop sunny weather 12 months out of the year, alot different than up here.
I grew up in Ohio, and have since lived in Fl, Va, and Il, 2 yrs ago we decided to move from Columbus Oh. We ended up in Amarillo Tx. 120k people, 100 more days of sunshine than Columbus a year, no humidity, no traffic, plenty of space for everything and cost of living is much less here. We found a 2600 sq ft house on 13 acres of land thats beautiful. Im 10 min from the mall but my closest neighbors are some mules. I really cant see any other houses from where we live. I can run around in the back yard in nothing if I choose and piss off the back walk anytime I feel like it :) The job market isnt the best right now, but I guess thats nation wide. If you like lots of sunshine, nice folks, no traffic, low cost of living but still have lots of movies, restaraunts and of course the rodeo :) then Amarillos the place. If you want big city life you probably wouldnt like it here.

Love Texas. Born and raised here, and never even thought about leaving. Housing and land is cheap, weather is great most of the time. Best looking babes in the world! .........of course I'm married.......
I spent 10 years in the Air Force and have seen many different places. I even lived up in the DC area for 3 years (hated it). In the end, we returned to the south (West of Atlanta) where the people are friendly, the girls are beautiful, the winters are mild, and you can still get a house with more than a 1/2 acre of land for a decent price.
hey man check out central IL. lots of country (i.e. bloomington Peoria, area) its 3 hours south of chigao. I love it here
Check out Boise Idaho area, warm summers, mild winters, low humidity and the cars do not rust!, people are great and lots to do if you like the outdoors.
im from ct but lived in las vegas for 10 yrs now and love it! summers are hot but the rest of the year is great.
I have heard that San Diego is a great place to live. It is like 75' all year long and the people are real nice.
Anywhere but the Northeast. The winter sucks, the cost of living is too high, insurance is the 2nd highest in the US and the people are nasty. I loved AZ and would move there in a heart beat. :D