How many Grand National are left?


Not so Senior Member
Mar 8, 2009
So I always hear people talking about how rare Grand Nationals are and my first thought is always, they made over 30,000....doesn't seem too rare to me. But the production number doesn't mean as much as how many are still around today. So I have to many do you believe are still around today?
I dunno. I rarely see them at car shows. I recently went to the MCACN nationals in Chicago and there was only one TR, a T Type. There were however at least 50 Cuda's there. In fact other than that and a Turbo TA, and a heavily modified Fiero, I think those were the only cars with 80's vintage. I know it was the 'malaise' era, but I gotta think that somebody would bring some IROCs or GTA's or something to shows, but they are like unicorns or something. Maybe the high production numbers turned everyone off from collecting them, and before anyone knew it the rust and blown motors thinned the herd.

If I were to make an uneducated guess on how many GN jelly beans are in the fish bowl, I would say 17k. It's too bad we can get access to the Insurance Company databases in each state to get a more concrete estimate.
I LOVE the iroc z cars. And you are right, very few around. There's a lot of them in los Angeles here but mostly primed pieces of crap. You rarely see a clean one unless it's factory original. And as far as the GN goes, we have to save as many of them as we can. I hate seeing them being parted out.
Great question. Considering a lot of them were boosted and wrecked a bunch were left to the elements and a lot were raced and there are parted out gn parts everywhere you turn my guess is a significant number of them are gone. I would be surprised if even 50% of them are left and it Wouldn't surprise me if the actual. # left is closer to 25% or less.
O.K , how many GNX's are left ????? LOL I guess about 542 !!!!! LOL With 400 or so with less than 1k miles !!!!!!
I kinda agree with you, gsgnut. What I have seen when I have attended cruise ins is that out of maybe 175 cars, I have been the only GN. Once when I attended, there was one T Type. Like I said in another thread, the $ values of our TB"s can only go one way----UP, simply because their numbers are getting less.
In SoCal, they're out there, they're just not coming out.
I suspect that it is the same in other parts of the country.
There seems to be a mysterious cycle where a particular
type of vehicle will be the hot ticket for a nondescript
# of years and then without notice they sort of disappear
until the next cycle comes around. Maybe a 6 or 7 year
When the '09 CTS-V's rolled off the showroom floors they
were the hot set-up for about 7 years, now nobody so
much as even pays them any attention.
My guess is that the Mopars will be the marque for
about the same # of years.
And the beat goes on.................
The re-birth of popularity of these turbo Buicks no
longer attracts the younger generation.
They will never go away entirely, but they will
go into hiding & mothballs more frequently as
newer generations of super high performance
vehicles show up on the market.
In SoCal, they're out there, they're just not coming out.
I suspect that it is the same in other parts of the country.
There seems to be a mysterious cycle where a particular
type of vehicle will be the hot ticket for a nondescript
# of years and then without notice they sort of disappear
until the next cycle comes around. Maybe a 6 or 7 year
When the '09 CTS-V's rolled off the showroom floors they
were the hot set-up for about 7 years, now nobody so
much as even pays them any attention.
My guess is that the Mopars will be the marque for
about the same # of years.
And the beat goes on.................
The re-birth of popularity of these turbo Buicks no
longer attracts the younger generation.
They will never go away entirely, but they will
go into hiding & mothballs more frequently as
newer generations of super high performance
vehicles show up on the market.

With all these new cars , the import/Euro turbo setup is becoming common place.

The GN is a mix and perfect crossover between the tuner turbo and American muscle. Obviously it won't be a huge craze. but I think these cars will gain popularity in the years coming. Look how popular LS turbo has become .

Maybe I'm dreaming ....We will see.
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These cars have been getting stolen and wrecked since day 1 and they are still getting stolen and wrecked over 30 years later. Plenty have been left sitting and have rotted out and been stripped. Plenty were turned in iveresible racecars over the last 30 for clunkers I'm sure took some cars out. Add all of this up and I bet there are only 25% of the cars left.
If your figure is correct at 25% being left then Richard Clark is sitting on 1.5% of them and at least 3 GNX's...

If your figure is correct at 25% being left then Richard Clark is sitting on 1.5% of them and at least 3 GNX's...


Are there pix somewhere of Richard Clark's collection? EDIT. Disregard. Found some cool stuff on his FB page.
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When you get a number, cut that number by 70% and that is the number left ON the road. :D
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Great question. Considering a lot of them were boosted and wrecked a bunch were left to the elements and a lot were raced and there are parted out gn parts everywhere you turn my guess is a significant number of them are gone. I would be surprised if even 50% of them are left and it Wouldn't surprise me if the actual. # left is closer to 25% or less.
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