Ok, new chips in and on the first try it idled awesome. Got it up to temp, drove around the neighborhood with it and it was awesome. 129 block learns, idle at around 13 afr which is tits, and all was good. Came home after the shakedown drive and begun my pre flight checks. Boost at 15, timing's good, fuel pressure's at 43. Washed the windows, started it back up and bam, right back to where I was the past three years; 14.7 or higher idle, and not only that, my iac says 00. Wow. This car man... Makes me think of a can of gas and new insurance money...
Update: Ok, blocked off my pcv valve an bam, iac immediately jumped to where it's supposed to be, and idle AFRs went back to 13 and idle smoothed right out. Now what do I do lol...