Sep 21, 2002 #1 B bruce Rest In Peace Joined May 25, 2001 Messages 10,367 Has anyone measured, or have an 1/2 way accurate guess of how much water/alky they use during a pass?. TIA
Has anyone measured, or have an 1/2 way accurate guess of how much water/alky they use during a pass?. TIA
Sep 21, 2002 #2 salvageV6 Daily Driver Joined May 25, 2001 Messages 20,962 I would guess 4 oz. 10gph nozzle SMC style full pump speed. 10psi. or so turn on.
Sep 21, 2002 #3 T Turbo__Tim One heck of a Tim! Joined May 25, 2001 Messages 640 Yeah, 4-6 is about right. More for pure alchy, less for 50-50..
Sep 21, 2002 #4 L Lee Thompson New Member Joined May 24, 2001 Messages 3,184 ? I have a mark about 3/4 up from the bottom on my bottle. Refill to mark after every run. 6.5 ozs. of methanol per low 11--high 10 run.
? I have a mark about 3/4 up from the bottom on my bottle. Refill to mark after every run. 6.5 ozs. of methanol per low 11--high 10 run.