You guys are confusing the heck out me, what the hell is a Stage motor? I thought every time you blow a head gasket on a 109 block and keep upgrading things to hold it together is called STAGE process. Man I am totally lost, I thought I had a STAGE 5 motor (you know, 5 blown head gaskets with upgrades each time) Maybe it’s when you spend all the time and tons of money on a 109 block to get well into the tens to realize that you are too scared to run the car because it my blow up so you go to the next STAGE? Man every time I thought I had something figured out you guys come up with something crazy.
Now on a serious note, Postal is one my best buddies, I know you guys are just giving him s**t . I was very impressed on what he had accomplished with an untouched long block, I think he went deep into low low 11’s @ 122mph or so and make consistent passes to back it up and pulling a wheelie and all. There aren’t too many people on this board can say that at all. I know that he would have made that car go into the 10’s if things held up. There are people will say that they have done it too but you know how that works. I was there at the track to witness Jason’s runs. He made me a believer on so many things. Going back about 12 yrs, I was running around with 10sec parts on my GN but never even ran no where near as fast as Jason. Even these day cars with ported heads, intake, cam, caps all the best stuff struggles so hard get where Jason ran with his unopened motor.
The other thing is that 9 out of 10 people that put tons of money on a 109 block get into mid to low 10 are now yanking the built 109 block out and building a stage motor why is that? We are all speed junkies. I am doing the same thing as Jason, I did not put any money on beefing up my 109 block because I know when get to mid 10’s I will be scared when will the motor grenade, trust me there are so many people on this board feels the same way, I just don’t want to name anyone.
Hey Jason I just want to say thanks for doing all the research on the stage stuff man this makes my job a lot easier. It’s funny how people don’t believe you when you tell them that you can put together a stage motor sometimes cheaper or the same as building up a 109 block
Now put some head gasket on that turd and get it out like every one says. Oh! I can’t say that can I ? my car is all so sitting with a blown head gasket for the last five years so you have 4 more yrs before I can give you s**t.