How to send a bs3 file?


Sep 30, 2003
Hello all, I have the bs3 installed in my car and am near clueless on how to use it. I need to know how to email the file to somebody for them to be able to tune the car. Anybody familiar with the bs3?
You shouldn't have any problem with just sending the file itself. Their usually around 2k, but you can always zip them and send them that way.

Just make sure you send you "BIG" file. Or do you not know how to find where it's stored in order to attach it?

If it's the location. Go to my computer> ( > will stand for click) program files> Big Stuff3 (or whatever you named the program file)> BigComm. That's the default way if you didn't mess with where you keep your file. Hope that helps, if it didn't then I'll try to answer it a different way or I'll try to answer your question (I might be reading your question wrong).
You datalogs will both have file extensions .csv and if you use your laptop it will be saved automatically under for example 001 for standard (you used your laptop) and _Replay001 for a replay (internal logger).

Check the properties and you will see a date when these files were created if you are unsure when/where you made them.
Cool. I'll try to make it work. When someone says to email the file, does that mean the base program itself, or a run that has been logged? Sorry for stupid questions, this is all very new to me. Does anybody know if there is a bs3 instructional video or anything to help me learn?
They'd probably want your tune (base file) and your datalogs. Then they could make changes based off the data.