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huge parts list F/S


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Turbo Indian

worlds quickest 6cyl bird
Sep 25, 2003
it's time to liquidate extra items I have. all these parts are for 86-87 all prices are plus shipping. if paying via paypal add 3%.

stock parts
alternator Y bracket-----------------25.oo
aluminum bracket--"2"---------------65.oo each
adj. fuel pres reg. "billet"-------------45.oo
battery cable "positive"--------------25.oo
belt tensioner-----------------------70.oo
boost solenoid--"2"-------------------60.oo each
boost Y hose GM---------------------10.oo
cam sensor--"2"----------------------60.oo each
coil pack mounting plate--------------25.oo
coil pack hoop bracket----------------25.oo
crank pulley---------------------------30.oo
crank sensor with mounting bracket---35.00
cruise control with 1 cable & mount---25.oo
EGR plastic cover---------------------5.oo
front timing cover---------------------30.oo
fuel lines from frame to engine--"2"-----50.oo each set
HD adj. wastegate actuator stock style-60.oo
intercooler stock--"2"------------------45.oo each
intercooler side bracket----------------25.oo
intercooler lower bracket---------------25.oo
intercooler shroud real good condition---55.oo
intercooler fan--"3"--------------------35.oo each
injector harness-----------------------35.oo
fuel rail-------------------------------35.oo
oil fill cap & neck--"2"-----------------10.oo each
oil cooler adapter with nut-------------25.oo
oil cooler lines--"2"--------------------40.oo each set
power steering hoses------------------30.oo
power staring pump--------------------65.oo
power staring reservoir-----------------45.oo
plenum upper--------------------------30.oo
rocker shafts---------------------------35.oo
throttle body complete-----------------85.oo
upper radiator hose holder--------------5.oo
up pipe--------------------------------20.oo
vacuum block with metal lines E/C-------35.oo
vacuum block with metal lines-----------20.oo
water pump new GM--------------------20.oo installed started removed
water pipe clamp-----------------------5.oo
water pipe with clamp------------------30.oo
water pipe fitting @ intake--------------5.oo
water neck hold in plate-----------------5.oo
water pump pulley-----------------------20.oo
valve covers (previously polished)--------35.oo
200 r4 trans dust cover-----------------15.oo

stock parts powder coated black
alternator Y bracket-------------------------25.oo
aluminum bracket----------------------------75.oo
belt tensioner--------------------------------85.oo
engine lift bracket----------------------------15.oo
H/D wastegate actuator----------------------65.oo
oil cooler adapter with nut---------------25.oo "coating is chipped in places"
up pipe--------------------------------------25.oo
water pipe-----------------------------------40.oo
water pump pulley---------------------------25.oo
water pump GM-------------------------------25.oo
intercooler bracket "side"----------------------30.oo
plenum & throttle body 62mm no arm or spring--150.oo

aftermarket parts
auto meter carbon fiber 2 1/16" gauges
oil pres. elec.-------------------------30.oo with send. unit
trans temp---------------------------30.oo with send unit
water temp---------------------------25.oo with send unit
oil fill cap "metco"---------------------25.oo

don't be afraid let's make a deal
Doyou have pics of the guages? I may be interested in the boost, oil pressure and water. Let me know
upper radiator hose holder--------------5.oo

I'll take this.

shipping to 47022
I'll give you $200.00 for everything... :biggrin:


Is the alt, factory 120 amp,? is it any good.? if it is i could use a spare. shipped to 46064. thanks,,,
Is the alt, factory 120 amp,? is it any good.? if it is, I could use a spare. shipped to 46064. thanks,,,
odell I can say the 87 T I took it off when I parted it out it was charging, it has been off the car for about 3 years & setting in a box. I will ship it to you @ no cost to you because I still owe you for shipping them 6.5'' rods about 2 years ago. total would be $20.60 if paying paypal.

Steve T.

I had forgot all about the rods. need any more? sorry i dont do paypal i had a problem with them few years ago, E-mail your address and i will send you a cashiers check. thanks again oc,,,
items that are sold
oil filler caps
upper radiator hose holder
front cover