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peterkin isn't rocket science
Oct 2, 2001
i have a concern though. the tank doesn't last long for one thing. i made two 21 psi passes ( on the street going to work )this morning for less than a quarter mile, and it sucked up almost half of the little tank. i've been playing with this stuff for three days now and it seems i have room to turn the wick up more. my only problem is i don't like my boost flashing 24 psi and dropping back to 20-21 psi, because when/if i get up to 24 psi then it'll probably flash 30. that's not what i want.

right now i'm runnin water with a touch of alky that was left in the tank, and i don't think the car feels all that fast with just water. it was screaming on top end with just alcohol, so i think i'm just going to run that.

i have my pump speed set on 6 or 7 can't remember right now, and the stuff comes on at 14-15 psi. i see no instances of knock whatsoever, even when it flashes 24psi. are there any pointers that i may need to know, this stuff seems pretty easy to tune and i want to max it out. i think this afternoon i'm going to turn the pump speed down some to see if i go faster and still get no knock. oh, can to much alky slow you down ( ie. high pump speed )?

:cool: :cool:
Yes too much alchy can slow you down. Sounds like you are doing very well. More boost doesn't mean more power so I think you are about ready to take the car to the track, and compare times with your favorite settings. Small flashes 3 pounds high won't hurt you in first gear most of the time.

I wouldn't be suprised at all if your best times are at 22 psi.
thanks tim, i'm cutting out of here early now to make to the track this afternoon. i will post times tonight, or tommorrow.
Sounds like you need a heavy duty actuator if you dont have one already, and if you do it may be time to go to a bleeder valve setup. Also your puck may be a little too small, going to a larger one and opening the wastegate hole some may fix your boost spike.

That turbo will be happy over 25psi, so you are fine right now. Get your boost under control and then turn her up.

If you didnt get the 1 gallon bottle from SMC you should. The original tank is too small IMO

As a reference. I have the original SMC kit and I don't believe that bottle is a gallon. I made 6 passes at Norwalk on Friday, all in the 11.5 - 11.6 range at 26# of boost and only used 1/2 of the bottle. The pump speed is maxed out with Steve's upgraded controller and I set the 'turn on' point around 15 - 16#. I don't know the nozzle size. It is whatever came with the kit 4 years ago.

it did o.k. at the track, i got one 12.97 pass in, that was a full pass where the car didn't nose over going into third gear. it would come out of the hole pulling like a freight train, but then the car would give up after going into third. it had something to do with the alky. i don't know what was going on. it would shift into third and it's like the egt's would drop and the turbo wouldn't spool, it was a dramatic power loss. the pump speed was set on 5 or 6, and the turn on point was 14 psi. when i got the car back on the street it doesn't do it going into third gear.

also, my car didn't like a mix or straight water. it likes straight denatured.
How much timing is in your chip? You need timing for top end.

Also since it didnt like any water, it means you are flowing too much alcohol. Also the lack of top end means too much alky, and not enough timing will exacerbate the problem.

Either turn down the alcohol, add more timing or add more boost
i was running a 20 degree street chip, then i changed to a race chip and i forget how much timing. i'll look later and post it.

i tried turning pump speed down, but it knocked. i tried turning boost down but it nosed over, i couldn't get enough passes in to correct the problem and also i didn't have anyone that knew about alky. trdirks and i are pioneering alky in our group of TR Nuts. he wasn't at the track that night though.
i'm already running 32 psi with the line off. i really don't want to go any lower than that. thanks for the input though. i normally would run 45 but my car doesn't like it. it likes that fuel pressure so i leave it alone.
You need to run the proper fuel pressure or the chip wont work correctly. Carl sets all of his parameters around that specific fp, probably around 43psi. 32psi is way too low and a bandaid for something else thats wrong.

Why did you try turning the boost down if it was bogging? that means it was flooding, and turning the boost down would only make it worse.

20* of timing is too low, thats a street chip. A full bore race chip at 28* is way too hot, you need an alky chip. Get one for 23-24* and you will be much happier.

Finally you are not in your turbo's efficiency range. The 54 will run better if you get it up to 23-24psi in 3rd gear.

HTH, I want to see you get to enjoy your car
i understand blackbuick87, don't worry when someone get's on your case that means they care...:D

i turned the boost down because it kept flashing 28 psi or so and drop back to 24 psi and then it would knock maybe 4 degrees.

i have it disconnected right now because i just put a v2 intercooler in the car with the one piece up pipe from the cooler to the throttle body. i need to get the nozzle in that pipe.

i'll work on it next week sometime when i get back from my sisters graduation. thanks for all of the help, i shall return shortly. :D :D
The V2 installation will change everything, max boost, turn on point, etc, so you will be starting from scratch. Start conservative and work your way up
I care too

Check your plugs for safety they will tell the truth. That is very low FP.

The alky tune is run as much alcohol as you can and as little fuel..

Timing will make your car detonate easier..I personally have found better detonation control running a low timing chip on the top than a high timing chip.

You will make more power on boost than timing..wanna bet :D

If your flowing too much alky the car will get lazy..cuase its rich..if you flow too little..then it'll find your happy medium.

One you get the car running 25 psi and pump speed 10 isnt'll know when you get there..trapping under 112 you wont know..

Higher timing works better on stock/small turbo's..once your turbo is maxed out only have timing to make power from.

Try applying 14 volts to the smc pump..three passes and the bottle is empty. At pump speed 10 I can get 8-10 passes.. I wont say anymore.