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I am so sick of this car


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Anyway, I'm frustrated. Rather than enjoying this car, all I am doing is working on it every weekend! It's really bothering me

p.s. I'm trying to continue to love my car, but it ain't making it easy!!!!!!

These TR's are real POS's. If it isn't one thing its another. I'm surprised the value is so high. I'm seriously re-thinking my drivetrain decision and am probably going back with a V8 engine...except this time it's going to be cheaper, more reliable and without the horror Buick nameplate.:rolleyes:
These TR's are real POS's. If it isn't one thing its another. I'm surprised the value is so high. I'm seriously re-thinking my drivetrain decision and am probably going back with a V8 engine...except this time it's going to be cheaper, more reliable and without the horror Buick nameplate.:rolleyes:

The Buick engine probably isnt happy in the Chevy body...
Its havin issues sorta like a man trapped in a womans body....:biggrin:
The Buick engine probably isnt happy in the Chevy body...
Its havin issues sorta like a man trapped in a womans body....:biggrin:

You have that backwards.. Since the Buick V6 is soooo inconsistant in running properly, always making noises and blowing their top (headgaskets), not to mention leaking from it's bottom all month long :D it sounds like the drivetrain is the woman trapped in a mans body.:p
You have that backwards.. Since the Buick V6 is soooo inconsistant in running properly, always making noises and blowing their top (headgaskets), not to mention leaking from it's bottom all month long :D it sounds like the drivetrain is the woman trapped in a mans body.:p

No I was right the first time...
My evidence: A girl could never run that fast.
;) :D
I agree, get rid of the Dexcool. I also noted you are running 100% Dexcool with no water :confused: Never run a mix more than 50%. Pure coolant does not cool as well as water.

I didn't make it to the store in time to pickup some coolant, but i did drain the dexcool and just added 100% water, 20 degrees cooler now (185)!!!!!!!! I'm sure adding the coolant with the water will take it back down to where it was before in the 170 range. I also took an aluminum softball bat and held it to each valve cover. The hollow bat amplified the ticking sound pretty well up through the handle. The sound is coming from the driver side, I thought it was the passenger side and definitely through the valve cover. Just a constant tick, tick, tick, tick.......I'm pulling off the valve cover this evening and trying what someone previously suggested about pushing down on each rocker to see which one gets quieter....hopefully this will find it.

Also, to answer another comment, I did buy this car because i have always wanted one....since I was 20 years old in 1987, I'm now 40. I just wanted to get one, enjoy it and then sell it when it increased in value. I never said I was looking to get a ton more money back for the car. So yes, I bought it to do both, enjoy it now (which i haven't been!) and then later resell in about 20 years........I already have a 401K but thanks for the advice anyway.
Adding coolant to the water will actually raise the temp a little bit. Make sure you get all the Dexcool out of the system before you add regular coolant. If you don't, the coolant will turn to jelly. :eek: You can't mix the two types of coolant.
You are sure the ticking sound is not the injectors??

Good to see your temp troubles are gone.
Hmm, I hear about bad injectors ticking also..I have a ticking noise also, and was thinking one of my injectors were bad..How can I check? Just feel each one while the car is running??