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Buick Beginner

Where is my $$$ going?
Nov 9, 2001
I'm a responsible 36 year old, with a wife, kids and a mini-van. About 4 months ago the wife finally gave in to the Grand National idea, (after 14 years of pestering, It's a perfect 2nd car Honey). Anyway, I've been steadily posting questions, reading books, and tuning my 87 GN over these last few months and she runs good considering the light mods. O.K. sorry I'm rambling, I needed to run up to my local Best Buy to pick up some CD-Rs last saturday night, traffic is always heavy around the Tampa Fl area and that night was no exception, there always seems to be bunches of rice burners, camaros and mustangs everywhere around town but I hadn't run into any while driving the GN. Well low and behold as I left the store making a wide left on the main road this really sharp late model Mustang GT blows past me, in a turn no doubt. I guess after years of driving the Plymouth Voyager I just thought; goofy kid, he's gonna get a ticket. But as the situation progressed the unthinkable happened, we both got caught at the light. The Mustang really looked nice, the kid had done a good job with the wheels, spoiler, and paint. The V-8 exhaust sounded good. Suddenly I was in 1983 again and instead of my 70 GTO, I was sitting in my "Second car" 87 GN. I knew what was coming and there was no way out - we were going to run, my heart was pumping and I could literally feel it beating. The only trouble was the next redlight, where more traffic was, was only about an eighth of a mile up. O.K. it won't hurt to just race a little, I promised myself only up to 70 or so. When the light turned I jumped the Stang by about 1/2 a car length, that was all I needed, all he saw until my speedo hit 70 was Buick taillights. It was time to back off because of traffic, he darted around the traffic and weaved the lanes to get up to his turn-off, and that was the last I saw of him. I really don't think this kid had any idea what the all black cars and their T-Type brothers are capable of doing. The whole thing got my blood pumping so hard I thought I was gonna have to stop off somewhere for a bear claw and some chocolate milk. Now if you'll excuse me I have run another erand in my "second car". - BB:eek:
your done for now you'll find most guys dont have a clue of the lil 6 power

now that you played once you will be doing it more ....betcha
good kill:D

yeah that won't be your first encounter with the me...everyone wants a piece because they want to beat a GN so badly so they can brag to their friends...most of the time they go home empty-handed:p

keep tuning and modding your car and keep it stock looking like i am doing and you will put lots of question marks on people minds when you race and beat them:cool:
play it off

Whenever somebody wants to race me I totally play it off. "Whats under the hood?" Just a V-6. "And you are willing to race?" Well I figured you would give me a car length or 2 headstart. "Sure!" Whoop up on them. that's what I say. If they are uneducated, take advantage of them. Even dumb animals can learn.
Re: play it off

Originally posted by pat83t
Whenever somebody wants to race me I totally play it off. "Whats under the hood?" Just a V-6. "And you are willing to race?" Well I figured you would give me a car length or 2 headstart. "Sure!" Whoop up on them. that's what I say. If they are uneducated, take advantage of them. Even dumb animals can learn.

Fun ain't it? I just love saying....."it's just a 4 cylinder, wanna run?" They are like...."HAHAHA, OK, dumbass, you're going down!" A good bit of the time the opposite happens. When you guys' V6s beat V8s, do they start making up excuses? They do it to me. Most heard of excuses are...

I missed a shift.
You jumped on me (My car is mid-engine. It hooks, sorry bout ur luck)
You cheated. (uhh, how can i CHEAT?)
You didn't tell me your car was turbo.

Most of them are never seen again and do the circus flyby and flee. Sorry if i'm post-whoring here, my MR2 Message board is down. There's a GN guy on there. He's cool as hell. I can't remember his name but he gets on here.


No prob. My favorite excuses are:

It'a outta time.
I have a fouled plug.
I didn't know when we were supposed to go.
Lets go again. This time I get the other lane. (yeah, like that will keep me from beating you by 5-6 car lengths.)
[I guess after years of driving the Plymouth Voyager I just thought; goofy kid, he's gonna get a ticket. But as the situation progressed the unthinkable happened, we both got caught at the light. ]

Hey, Buick Beginner, nice kill [FAMILY MAN]:D

The nice thing about life is that there are always new kids in need of "education"

Welcome Joel. How does your car run (ET/mph), and how much $$$ is in it?
Great story there.
Ive been racing street racing for a while now. I still get the same feeling ( heart racing out of my chest) everytime i race.

Again great story

Chris McDade
Hey Joel, be sure to stick around, it's always great to have an outside opinion around. What's the address for your board?

I cant wait for my first race. I expect it to be much the same. I can't decide if I want it to be before or after my intercooler.
ncgreg231 - Thanks! I haven't ran my car in the 1/4 mile yet. I did run it in the 1/8 when it was stock and running less than stock boost which was 6.5psi at the time. It ran a 9.87@79mph. The weather wasn't good for turbo on that day. I believe it was in the 80s. I would estimate now that it should run low 8s. In the 1/4 mile I expect to full easy 12.5 passes at roughly 300RWHP in a special setup for drag race only like drag radials, 109 octane race fuel and 18PSI. When springtime rolls around, i'm getting a 50 shot nitrous kit installed and the air/fuel computer dyno tuned for optimal a/f ratios. Maybe then I can pull rock bottom 12s. The car only weighs 2500lbs. :D Right now, I have about $11000 in the car, and all the mods. Quite pricey but its worth it to me to be different than all the other Mustang/Camaro guys. Just too many of them! I'd say there are less MR2s in the country of all years than just 94 Mustangs. How rare are GN's and Turbo Regals? They seem to be rather rare as I've never seen one in real life. hehe

mycarsucks - The MR2 Message board is . There are some nice cars on there with some rather knowledgable people. There don't seem to be very many ricers on there.

If you guys wanna check out my car, you can at....

Of course click on MR2 pics.

Later guys!