I got a little excited!!


Seenyour Member?
Oct 19, 2004
I went to the grocery store with my wife tonight. When we come out there sits a gray T-type beside our truck. I'm putting bags in the back and trying to check out the car at the same time.

Its a little rough, missing bumper fillers, faded paint on top surfaces, and the hood is in primer. The car was straight, had a hard top, and Welds.

This lady comes out and I started talking to her and she said someone offered her 3K and her husband said she should have took it. So I said I'll give ya 3K for it; what year is it? She said its a 82. I said its got a 87 grille, then I ask her if its a hot air car (she looked :confused: ). I said what motor does it have? She says its got a 350. I asked again to be sure since it did have a turbo hood.

So I told her it was a nice car anyway and she started it up. She was right about it being a 350.

Oh well, I got excited for nothing. :(

Sounds like it was worth $1500 if that. Never judge a turbo car just cuz it has a bulging hood.