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I guess you call this OVERKILL


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St pete police killed 2 dogs that were leashed when an unleashed dog attacked the leashed dog?!?
Wow, if someone did that to my dog, cop or not, they wouldn't get away with it. It might be 10 years later, but something bad would happen to that person.
Not trying to be argumentative or anything, cops need to be proactive not reactive. I don't believe they should have to wait and see if the dog bites them, or wait and see if the bad guy punches them in the face. Proactive cops stay alive longer than reactive cops, just an opinion.
I get what you're saying. You have to react fast when confronted with another person. But an old dog? What was the worst thing that could have happened? How is that dog going to disarm and kill two trained police officers? Maybe the lesson here is not to have your alarm system wired to police response. I would rather my house be ransacked and burnt down with everything in it than to have my dog murdered.
Not trying to be argumentative or anything, cops need to be proactive not reactive. I don't believe they should have to wait and see if the dog bites them, or wait and see if the bad guy punches them in the face. Proactive cops stay alive longer than reactive cops, just an opinion.

Dude did you even read the article before you type? Oh wait OHIO that explains it! my best buddy is from there and thick as a brick.

What dog doesn't growl when a unfamiliar face shows up in its terratory?

Gee mabye the dog was packing a 44 magnum? :rolleyes:
Dude did you even read the article before you type? Oh wait OHIO that explains it! my best buddy is from there and thick as a brick.

What dog doesn't growl when a unfamiliar face shows up in its terratory?

Gee mabye the dog was packing a 44 magnum? :rolleyes:

I guess I'm thick because I don't even know what "terratory" means.
"mabye" he was packing a 44, dude.

They should have given the dog an exam first. I'm all clear now thanks :)
HAHA this convo cracks me up..

the article is ridiculous. 'the dog was 11 yrs old/arthritic/hip dysplasia"

i'm glad they included this 'pertinent' information, i mean what kind of crap cops can't diagnose all 3 of those things (and more) in a split second, from ~10 ft away, whilst the dog is barking at you!?!?

seriously, these cops must be real knuckleheads.

lol. that was sarcasm. its unfortunate this lady lost her pet, as a dog lover my heart goes out to her. but i'm betting the tether wasn't visible (dog laying on it etc) and 99.9% of these situations the cops encounter end up with a vicious dog. old habits die hard. you see mean dog, you shoot mean dog (pre-canine psych eval). it is sad that this 'harmless', seasoned, arthritic, hip dysplaced dog was needlessly killed, ...but the 1 time a cop doesn't shoot a dog that appears untethered and is barking like he'll rip your effing arm off is the one time the cop gets said effing arm ripped off.

pretty much a bad situation all the way around, but i bet 100 bucks that if the cop didn't shoot the dog, and the dog was, in fact, untethered and vicious and proceeded to attack, you wouldn't read that story in the news. thats just 'another day at the office'.
kinda twisted if you think about it..
Ummm, okay. So everyone be warned. Your dog could be shot dead in your backyard if the police need to respond to your house for any reason. That's comforting to know. I hope it's not dark outside and my kids are playing in the backyard. They could be mistaken for possible burglers. Since it's shoot first, ask questions later, my kids deserved it because the cops had to make a split second decision. Sorry kids!!
An officer does not want to kill an animal, sometimes it has to be done though.

I had an issue at our old house where neighbors would allow pit bulls to run free on the street. I had the sheriff come out a few times but was told unless they saw them acting aggressive or chasing someone, they could not site the owners with anything. They couldn't take the animal down without a reason.

An officer doesn't want the added paperwork alone from an incident, they have enough already.

Lexington Police Officer Kills Dog In Yard | | Lexington, Kentucky