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I hate computers, mine crashed


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Vendor Defendor

Out the window
Nov 25, 2002
i hate computers. i really really do. mine crashed this afternoon while i was working on notes for my medic class... i figured the computer was just having some retard problem, restarted it, and the computer tells me that it dosent have a hard drive... wtf, i hate computers. so regarless, i lost all my files, everything, text, music, videos... so pissed

i cant wait till my M1 Garand gets here, i think that computer is going to the gun range.
violence is no way to solve problems...............

wait yes it is... i say shoot it!

you can always reformat the comp. if you can not do it its perdy cheap to have done maybe a buick guy in your area can help you out. you should beable to save the computer

I feel your pain. At work here i have a 1990's dell petium 2.
If I have too many programs on the V-MEMORY warning box pops up.
& I work for a High tech company with a Low tech budget.
Originally posted by Grim Reaper
violence is no way to solve problems...............

wait yes it is... i say shoot it!

you can always reformat the comp. if you can not do it its perdy cheap to have done maybe a buick guy in your area can help you out. you should beable to save the computer


i tryed to, but the thing said that there was no hard drive in there.
Originally posted by Vendor Defendor
i tryed to, but the thing said that there was no hard drive in there.

then shoot it and build your self an other computer

You may just have a loose or dirty cable! I have an old 486 that I use strictly to make floppy copies of proprietary disks for my engraving computers. About half the time, none of the drives work---till I give it a good smack!
does anyone know what is involved in taking my HD out, putting it in another computer and trying to save everything off of it that way?

any help is apperciated

Assuming the FAT table, etc. is fine, it's not too involved of a job to put it into another computer.
Disconnect power to the PC
Disconnect power to the drive
Disconnect ribbon cable.
Remove (upto) 4 screws from the side of the case going into the drive.

On the back, you will notice probably one jumper and 5 pairs of pins (pairs are vertical).
If you look at your drive label, it should tell you which pair to move the jumper for SLAVE configuration.

In the new computer, you probably have 1 hard drive on one ribbon cable, and the CD/DVD on the other ribbon cable. On either of the cables, there should be an unused connector about 6" from the drive end.
Mount the drive in an empty slot, and connect the cable (and power plug).

Turn on the computer. The boot screen should list how much memory it detected, an d then the drives. If you don't see the drive you connected (or are now missing one that you previously had), turn the computer off. And continue with these instructions.

The other device on the cable that you used must be set to MASTER. This is similar to the SLAVE instructions earlier, but it's a different pair. Once it's been set, turn on the PC and check the device list again. It should now be listed.

Once the new PC boots into Windows, if the old drive is still useable it should automatically be mounted. Then you can just copy the files that you need. If that doesn't work, you'll need to buy hard drive repair software and "pray" that you can at least get back your critical files.
If you want, You can send me the drive and I will see what I can do to save the data if you get desperate and can not get any help. I can sometimes find and retrieve stuff even with bad fat tables.
ok this is weird.. my computer is working perfectly now, like nothing ever happened, this is what i did....

my dad has two business computers, i told him what i was going to do and since he figured i was going to screw up his computer he told me to back up his computers before i try it. for the life of me i couldnt figure out how to back up the XP machine (the other had 98 on it) so i tryed putting the hard drive in the 98 machine. i put it in there, in place of one of the CD drives, i put it in start up the comptuer... and the moniter dosent work.. .uh oh thats not good, so i pop it back out, put everything back the way it was, the computer starts right up... riight...

so took a risk pulled the XP machine apart and threw my hard drive in there in an empty slot. success, everything is still there!!!! woohoo!!! so anyways, i pull everything off of that hard drive, and i take it out of that computer, button that computer back up, come into my room, and start putting my computer back together (figured i was going to have to format the hard drive) i start it up, come back five minutes later, and its working perfectly... wtf is this about.... btw i left the XP disk in the CD drive...i restart the computer with out the disk... it does the same thing it was doing before.. saying that it needs a boot disk. so i put the cd back in, restart, it works... tryed again with out the cd, dosent work, with the CD, works... so i think my computer is addicted to this CD.. anyone know what the hell is going on?

probably something not set right in the BIOS or possibly a bad CMOS battery. i told you to leave me a # to get a hold of you. i build computers too, although gn's are more fun! i think i'm pretty close to your location too.
oops, my fault. i'm not close to you, but i could definitely help with a phone call. i hate typing, and it's much easier telling you something, getting your response, and if it doesn't work, telling you something else, instead of getting a post, going back the next day, finding it, getting the response, ........... you get the point. get a hold of me if you feel like it.
eh, thanks for the help, but... a friend of mine is sending me a new mother board and processor (im going from 666mhz to 1.3ghz woohoo) and putting new ram in it and everything, and when i get that stuff here, my g/f's dad is going to help me put it together... he works at IBM doing something or another... not sure exactly, but i'm sure he knows what he's doing.

thanks for the help though, sorry i forgot to PM you like i said i would if i got stuff sorted out,

thanks again