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I know its fun, but its time to stop


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Originally posted by DeltaT
I agree with you about crazy driving of any type, but have you seen an accident like you describe at the last half mile of a deadend street, like in an industrial park somewhere? I have seen and perhaps raced in some that were well organized races, with spotters at the 3/4 mile distant stop sign, that I believe were as safe as possible. The serious street races around here have no big crowds around, and want no other types of excitment right then except racing.


at least your thinking a little bit. but stuff happens, even at the best tracks accidents happen. at ALL reall tracks there is some form of emergency people there who are paid to wait for an accident to happen, and get there as soon as something does happen. if something happens out at one of your organized races how long will it take for an ambulance to get there? or will you even call an ambulance since you were racing? i'm sure you know the risks and you must be willing to take them, but personally i'd MUCH rather be at a track.
Originally posted by GNFURY
As long as you decide you can live with the consequences, go ahead and do it. Just don't make someone else's mind up for them...............

What about the the family of the person that gets killed? Can "they" live with the consequences? Or do they not really long as "you" can live with it? :confused:

Just playing devil's advocate here.
The "we're all gonna die sometime" or "our life is all mapped out for us" philosophy is rediculous.

Your actions have a direct impact on the "mapping" of someone elses life...and your own.

The one thing that IS correct about this, is that we ARE all going to die sometime. Most of us, however, would like to live as long as we can though. That kind of reckless mindset should make you ask yourself why the hell you're alive to begin with?? Might as well just put a bullet in your head right now. You're gonna die sometime anyway right? :D

No, better yet, take a family of four down with you and do it in the GN. Just make sure you won the race before you kill anyone, that's the important thing. Just have fun! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Ken Mild
The "we're all gonna die sometime" or "our life is all mapped out for us" philosophy is rediculous.

like i said before i belive that to an extent. to put it into praticle terms, were all given a map to follow and out life pretty well stays on corse most of them time, thats how I think out life is maped out. but we can still do stupid things, take a wrong turn somwhere. i'm not going to try to turn this into some religious thing, actually i'm not religious, but whoever the higher power is, would they make people like timmothy mcvaey, or charley manson, or even michal jackson ;) (bad joke i know). i wouldn't think so, somewhere they made a wrong choice. thats just my opinion, wether you belive it or not is strictly up to you, i think you should have your own opinion to start with.

even if you belive you have no controll over what you do and EVERYTHING is planned out to the very last detail, try something, blink your eyes realy fast and touch your nose, go ahead and do it. why would anyone plan something for you to do as dumb and unmeaningfull as that, i'd have to think you did it on your own free will. just like racing someone would be.
Street racings been around since there was anything to race! From horses to gocarts. If its there, someones gonna want to race it.
One thing NHRA could do is lower the rollcage/ bar time cutoff. Theres a lot of cars out there that with very little work could run in the 11's right from the factory.
So you buy a Cobra or Vette and do a few bolt ons to it. Then you want to see how fast you are. You go to your local track and make a 11.99 run...Nice huh....then they invite you to not come back till you put a bar in it. You gonna put a bar in a daily driver that may cost $50.000+?
I don't think you'll be coming back any time soon.

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
Originally posted by denn454
even if you belive you have no controll over what you do and EVERYTHING is planned out to the very last detail, try something, blink your eyes realy fast and touch your nose, go ahead and do it. why would anyone plan something for you to do as dumb and unmeaningfull as that, i'd have to think you did it on your own free will. just like racing someone would be.

My point exactly. I was given the "ability" to blink my eyes and touch my nose. I made the "choice" not to.

Just the same, you could make a choice to hang a left instead of nailing it straight ahead. I'm saying you "could". I'm not telling you what to do. Just pointing out the choices we have.

Any choice we make with anything in life will have an impact on somebody, somewhere, at some time. But we shouldn't necessarily use that alalogy as criteria in backing up a theory which says, "if I hang a left and go home instead of racing maybe I'll get into an accident anyway".

I would venture to say that if you decided to race to work everyday instead of driving normal, you will be more inclined to die or kill someone than if you had driven normally.

Like the old seat belt analogy (I love this one)..."they say if he wasn't wearing his seat belt that he probably would have survived". :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I think seat belts have been shown to save more lives than they have been shown to kill people. I'll take my chances with the seat belt. ;)
lower roll bar times?

i'm not sure if that would be a good idea. lets face it, 11.99 is fast, i don't care who you are but you've got to cal that fast. granted theres a lot of faster cars out there, but even still. 11.99 is fast enough that if you hit a wall or something your going to be in big trouble, i'd like to know that theres a steel cage around me at times like that.

thoes few mustangs and corvettes running 11's are really not the problem. the problem is all these kids out there in their hondas their parents bought them, and hey they race hondas in the movies, that means there fast right! i shoudl go off and race mine too, so get the hell out of my way i'm fast! thoes are the people who are really making this problem worse (yes i know its not all them)

I'd say the nhra is about right for roll bar times, i just wish someone would make a smaller less eye catchign roll bar that the nhra would certify, forget about the money, i wouldn't do it because of the looks.
I'd say the nhra is about right for roll bar times, i just wish someone would make a smaller less eye catchign roll bar that the nhra would certify, forget about the money, i wouldn't do it because of the looks.

Sorry I disagree. When was the last time you saw an 11 sec car hit the wall? And with a roll bar it wouldn't hepl much anyway. OK Sure it does happen but more on the street where there is no real "end of the race" point. And just how long do you think it will take the insurance companys to get on the band wagon and MAKE you put one in your car because of HP to Weight ratio? He...The NHRA does it so why not them? And then your insurance costs goes up. Then less people could afford a fast car. And less people go to the track. And more tracks close...Yeah...Thats the ticket...
I'm sorry...If you have 2 cars on a deserted highway (or any road) and they want to race...they will race.....Always have...Always will.

OH...And "the way it looks" So you don't care then if you crash and are "safe"? it doesn't look good so you wont do it? THATS what I'm talking about.
There's alot more sub 12 second cars out there then you think!

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(
Originally posted by V6DVette

OH...And "the way it looks" So you don't care then if you crash and are "safe"? it doesn't look good so you wont do it? THATS what I'm talking about.
There's alot more sub 12 second cars out there then you think!

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(

i think you got the wrong idea when i said i won't do it. i'm not saying i'm going to go out and make a 11 second car and then not put a roll bar in. i'm not goign to have a car fast enough to need a roll bar to start with. maybe when i've got a few cars to play around with, one will be a track car, and if i have any desire to go fast i'll definatly put a roll bar in it.

I have seen a mid 11 sec car hit a wall and roll over, if it wasn't for the roll bar who knows what would have happend. sure that was a rare thing, and i probably won't ever see anything like that happen again, but its for thoes one in a million accidents that we have rules.

and you know if you go that fast without the right stuff somethign bad will happen. i hate the way stuff happens when you really don't want it to...must be my carma or something ;)
i'm not saying i'm going to go out and make a 11 second car and then not put a roll bar in.

But I'm saying there are plenty of guys out there that HAVE 11 second cars and wont put roll bars in them. You lose them to street racing...
One of the things thats holding me up on D Vette is I know its gonna be in the 11's easy and I really don't want to put a cage in it.>sigh<:D
Personaly I would rather get hit by a 2500lb ricer then a 3600 lb lead sled any day!;) (kidding)

I'm never gonna finish this car!:(