EatM Up,
Here are my final thoughts and advice on the cam subject;
BIG cams work, “IF” the cam specs AND the rest of the combo is right.
You will need to spin/shift that cam to probably 6200-6600 to make is all work. (Just a wild guess . . . .)
The discussions on cam size will ALWAYS go on, since the philosophies are different.
Do NOT throw the advice from Boostmaster in the wind.
The advice from WFO is also on target, but, "I" do not belief you will be able to put a combo together for that cam, without some serious $$$$$$$ since the cam will make a lot of decisions of you on the rest of the parts.
As stated by these guys: You need to look at ALL the cam specs and build the combo for it.
Personally, I side with the smaller cam philosophy, in a turbocharged Buick V6.
Running the BIGGER cam is not bad, but you are in for the “combo ride of your life”, with challenges you never thought would be this great to make this cam work EFFECTIVELY in a little v6.
Look at it this way:
The 212/212 FT in a true HA car has gone deeeeeep in the 11’s, while still working on the tune.
The stock FT cam (198 range) in a IC’d car has gone repeatedly 115-118 MPH
The 204/215 FT cam ((??) has gone 123-126 MPH repeadtedly (I did see this one)
A local friend runs repeatedly 87MPH (1/8) in an IC’d car, Stock turbo/IC/TC/22PSI
The 206/206 roller cam has gone in the 9’s.
Many years ago, the TA49 was considered a mid/high 11 sec turbo.
The SAME turbo now has gone 10’s. How? . . . Not sure, but since it is the SAME turbo, I would say a combination of; Combo tweaking, good chip / tuning, alky!
Case and point: The same stuff keeps getting faster.
When I called 4 of the BEST TR engine builders in the world about cams, the feedback was consistent.
I have searched for “the cam answer” for 6 years, and have drawn my own conclusions.
You may want to consider reading the thread on Back pressure in the turbo section, in addition to the feedback from Bison . . . . and search for cam specs that other FAST cars are running.
I love and life for R&D, so if you decide to run the cam, let us know the challenges and results.