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I was Selling my 87 GN


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New Member
Dec 23, 2011
I hope I didnt post this in the wrong place...If so I apologize but wanted to share....

I wanted to share a story with everyone ….I was selling my GN…Had it up for sale, Placed on Craigslist I was getting a ton of phone calls on it, A guy was on his way about 2 hours to bring me the cash, My Girlfriend was wondering why I was getting all these phone calls and Text messages throughout the day and Night, I just blew it off …. We have a two year old little boy with that’s special needs been diagnosed with MS & CP,Several other disabilities When he was born he barely fit in my hand, Had a major brain bleed on his left side of his brain, Doctors didn’t give him much of a chance…Long story short the poor Guy spent the next 8 weeks having brain Surgery, Staying in the hospital, Hooked up to monitors doctors poking and probing at him, Wakes up every morning @ 8:00 A.M My girlfriend takes him to Therapy twice a day everyday,she had to quit her job as an RN to make sure he’s there every day working hard…We found out about this new Therapy that can give him a chance to have a better life but have to go to Philadelphia for treatment and of course my Insurance don’t cover it..Don’t even get me started on that…So I put the GN up for sale to get the money together to spend a month up there for treatment ,not telling my Girlfriend, I thought the GN just sits in the garage I start it up every day after work and If I work on it she complains lol…She would be happy to see it go…She found out I was selling the GN set me down and told me I did not have to sell my car that somehow someway we would get the money to get our son the treatment, (Pulling the money out of her trust) she talked me out of selling the car…This is a Girl that doesn’t understand sports, Care about sports,Cars,Motorcycles/ATV etc etc…(Unless its the OKC Thunder Playing) But did understand how much the car meant to me…YOU HAVE TO LOVE THE POWER OF THE Grand National posses over people…I love that Girl!!!
WOW! Talk about being blessed! My wife would probably love to see my mistress burned to the ground! She has even threatened to shoot it full of holes!
I'll be adding you and your family to the prayer-chain.
You have one good women! God Bless you and your Family. What Hospital are you going to? When are you headed to Phila.?
Wow. My wife threatened to run me over with mine and then set it on fire. Your girl is a saint. I Hope everything works out. I work for the city in philly. Pm me if ya need anything. God bless.
Def. a keeper! Good luck with your son, will say a couple prayers for you guys. Have a very similar story and my son is now 13. Keep praying, and keep working him. Keep fighting everyone you can to get him what he needs.
God bless you guys. If your going to Philly, You will probaly being going to CHOP. Best childerns hospital in the country
You guys are going through alot with your child. We suffer so much as parents anytime our children have ailments but what you and your family are going through is tough. We will pray for your son. Hang in there!
If you need anything when you get here let me know, I live right outside of the city and am a student at Temple U so if you have any questions or need anything dont be afraid to message me or get my number.
Prayers to you and yours. Hope everything works out.
Guys thanks for all the prayers!..This board is amazing with all the support from all the members in here...This is my get away when Im stressed out,I just get on here and read and learn...Oldsracer once I get up there I will hit you up and maybe show us some good places to eat so we dont get stuck with Hospital
Guys thanks for all the prayers!..This board is amazing with all the support from all the members in here...This is my get away when Im stressed out,I just get on here and read and learn...Oldsracer once I get up there I will hit you up and maybe show us some good places to eat so we dont get stuck with Hospital

Ill say it now and will always repeat it, Tony Lukes!! Pat's and Gino's maybe be the most popular but they are far from good. You cant come to Philly and not get a cheesesteak :D
I also have a brother with CP..
But it's funny when he was the one pointing out the GN in fast and I turned my brother into a car guy.
I feel like it has helped with the bonding between us. He just yaps in my ear as I spend countless hours under the hood and when I close the good he asks me test time? And I say yep get in and strap in!
As he laughs while the wheels spin I can't help but wonder if it would have been the same if he was " normal"??
(not handicapped).
It's a struggle at times but no matter what anyone tells you keep a positive mindset and always believe that it's going to get better!
But sounds like you have a great woman behind you and that's what you are going to need.
My prayers and blessings to you and your family.