Ignition Switch Problem


Protected Freedom for 27 years! Thank a Veteran!
Nov 2, 2005
Currently I am unable to turn my ignition switch to the rear in the ACC position. It works fine starting the car. Any ideas how to fix or what the problem is? Thanks!
Fakeyankee said:
Yeah, I have the same problem. Someone please chime in !!!
If the ignition switch is good, and all other switch positions work good, then there is a plug type with 2 contacts that slide into place rite next to the ignition switch after switch install in colum under wheel, this is for the warning signal beep for when your keys are in the ignition and you open up the door. If not set rite, or damaged, you cannot turn ignition all the way back.
I had problems with my ign switch (where u put the key) hanging up and such...cut new keys and the problem was still there.
Put in a new ign sw and walla. Not sure if that is your problem.
Do a search I think I posted a thread on it.
there is a gm bulliten out on this on other cars with ign switches binding,could help here.over time,keys wear off a little each time its used in cylinder and it starts accumilating large amounts of "black dust".spray carb cleaner in cyl and then lube with dry grahpite. something easy to try.
Mine has had that same problem since I got the car. I decided that the "rack" which moves when you turn the switch was put in one tooth off. It would work fine in one direction, but run out of teeth when you try to turn the key the other way. It was too much trouble to take the whole thing apart to check my idea, so I've just been living with it. Now you guys have given me some new ideas!
no accessory position

Ormand has it right.The problem is that the rack assembly is out of synch with the driven gear,which is attached to the lock cylinder.I would guess that one tooth is all it takes! Unfortuately, you have to do quite a bit of removal to get to the issue, including steering wheel and turn signal switch removal. I'd say you are looking at about a two hour job, max, depending on whether you have the right tools for the job.Good luck with your trouble!
I'm not doing it :eek: ! I tried to tighten the 3 screws for the tilt....what a disaster! Parts were everywhere! Where are these "teeth" located?
Where are the teeth?
If you tear into the steering column, you will eventually get to the ignition switch actuator. When you turn the key in the lock, it rotates a cam-gear thingy attached to the back of the lock cylinder. (I think it is called a "sector assembly) That thingy engages a plastic rack, which moves up and down inside the column as the key turns back and forth. There is a rod attached to the bottom of it, and the rod does down inside the column to get to the actual ignition switch, which is farther down there, somewhere.
When you put it all together, you have to engage the teeth on the thingy with the teeth on the rack, and I guess if you don't do it just right, you lose part of the travel. There are a bunch of parts you have to remove to get to it, so I don't think I will try. :)