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Very good write up. I could see people getting together to somehow to cheat to retake the blue wall. NC would in my mind to be easier to cheat and flip, but Georgia. Let me say it another way. It would have been more believable to see Trump lose NC then Georgia. This would had take a lot of folks to coordinate something this massive and not leave any legal evidence behind. I’m reading that Rs are not going to vote in Georgia senate race . What’s the point it will be taken away and the D’s will win, now that really sucks if that where to happen. Again your write up is very good

If they do have a runoff for GA senate, doubtful since they'll of proven the fraud by then, it will be watched like a hawk eyeing a tasty rabbit in an open field.
Republican voters will turn out in massive droves because they are really pissed now.
Watch the entire 6 minutes...and wait till you get to Tarrant County Texas part of it and who the Elections Administrator is.

How it was done | Michelle Malkin - YouTube

Good video. It parallels everything else I've heard.
Some kids were given a machine to hack and they rated it 1-2 out of 10 for ease of hacking.

Even without hacking the features built into the machines are ridiculous.
The claims that they were designed to cheat seems highly plausible.
A good place for us to protest might be our local networks. We all have an abc, nbc, cbs and fox outlet. Maybe if we made them uncomfortable and yell at them to "tell the truth" they might just might begin to share some of the info they withhold typically.
You can set up any decent calculator to display to how ever many decimal points you want it to so I'm sure you could do it to a voting tabulator. I bet somebody just forgot to set up the readout on that one that Rudy is talking about. Human error for the win.
If the siphon was set up for a percentage you'll get decimals every so often, oopsie didn't think that one all the way through.
Biden, trailed Hillery just about everywhere when compared to 2016 except for.....
Milwaukee, Philly, Atlanta, Detroit.
If you watched Trumps rallys, he had tens of thousands of people show up. What few rallys Biden did, he had 10 to 12 people show up. You would have me believe Biden garnered the most votes of all time. Yeah, okay.
Biden, trailed Hillery just about everywhere when compared to 2016 except for.....
Milwaukee, Philly, Atlanta, Detroit.

The founder of overstock hired a team and conducted a study prior to the election. They discovered that five city's could flip states and the election.
The above were named. He said the information was presented to the government organization in charge of election security and they blew him off

The founder of overstock hired a team and conducted a study prior to the election. They discovered that five city's could flip states and the election.
The above were named. He said the information was presented to the government organization in charge of election security and they blew him off
"You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop—The Twilight Zone."

The founder of overstock hired a team and conducted a study prior to the election. They discovered that five city's could flip states and the election.
The above were named. He said the information was presented to the government organization in charge of election security and they blew him off
Absolutely unbelievable all of the stuff being unearthed. It's like somebody has been planning to steal the election no matter how blatant, ah but that could not happen, right?
Listening to Trump live on FOX. He was asked if they will be heard by the supreme court in the next 2 weeks.
He didn't sound very confident they'll get a chance to present their case....

Said believe it or not it's going to be very hard to get it to them.
Not a good feeling to hear he has doubts. Basically said times like this is when we need the supreme court and what good are they if even the President (with a mountain of evidence) can't be heard....
Listening to Trump live on FOX. He was asked if they will be heard by the supreme court in the next 2 weeks.
He didn't sound very confident they'll get a chance to present their case....

Said believe it or not it's going to be very hard to get it to them.
The word on the street is, the SC wants no part of this fight. The Trump team has to come with something more then they got. Trumps team lawyers want him to fire Rudy. Said he is deranged. He is making you (Trump) look bad. You will never see the SC with Rudy running things. at least that’s the talk in Congress, so maybe believable.