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Go read the constitution. It is a federal issue specifically addressed in the constitution. The state legislature, and only the state legislature has the power to pick the electors. If the state does not follow what is directed by the legislature, and only the legislature, it becomes a federal issue, so the supreme court can rule on it. Also, the state legislature can hold a vote whenever they want and change the way the electors are chosen. Any other official changing the rules is illegal if not approved by the legislature and only the legislature. You are woefully ignorant on the topic.
Don’t even waste your time trying to explain to him, it’s like talking to a retard
Go read the constitution. It is a federal issue specifically addressed in the constitution. The state legislature, and only the state legislature has the power to pick the electors. If the state does not follow what is directed by the legislature, and only the legislature, it becomes a federal issue, so the supreme court can rule on it. Also, the state legislature can hold a vote whenever they want and change the way the electors are chosen. Any other official changing the rules is illegal if not approved by the legislature and only the legislature. You are woefully ignorant on the topic.
Nigel...Nigel...Nigel. How many times do I have to tell you Libtards don't know what The Constitution is.
Here you snivelers need some more votes.View attachment 360305
I know the constitution means absolutely nothing to democrats, it’s all about how you feel about the situation and obtaining an outcome, even it means breaking the law to get there. Start learning Chinese genius, that way you can communicate directly with our new masters and Joe’s bosses.

I am certain you are OK with the Clintons. Bill the rapist/pedophile. The Hildebeast, a thing that slut shamed a 12-year-old to get her rapist/pedophile client off. No wonder it/she was able to coexist with a rapist/pedophile all these years.

Obama the racist, hates white people, and used the power of the government to oppress his political opposition (IRS scandal) and used the FBI/CIA to spy on and smear a political opponent, a true American patriot that Obama.

Al Gore, and the retarded gorbal warming BS. I see the ice caps have been gone for years as predicted. The fact that he burns 20 times the energy the average family burns in a year is far outweighed by the good he is doing having his fat ass flown all over kingdom come and living it up in Malibu.

I am sure you agree with the green new deal, time to give up the pollutant spewing turbo Buick, cut the cord to your house, get your solar panels, and log your ass onto the only board when the solar panels are working.

I don’t really like Trump (I believe his policies are in line with the constitution), that is beside the point, but what is really despicable are the dummies that want to undermine the very document that protects their dumb asses. Not for much longer, if you have your way, the fires are going to burn hot and bright. The lefty violence will be taken to the point of no return now that people like you have emboldened them. Joe and Kamala already hate people having personal freedom and liberty. Now that they have maneuvered into power illegally and gotten away with it, no need to restrain themselves further, or for that matter the other fowl swamp dwellers have no need to restrain themselves either. Should be fun.

Is this where you call me a racist or a Nazi?
I know the constitution means absolutely nothing to democrats, it’s all about how you feel about the situation and obtaining an outcome, even it means breaking the law to get there.
Do you remember when you dated one of those basic bitches in HS, took her to the beach, she got sand in her giner, and was also on the rag? On top of that, she couldn't deal with the fact that women have periods, but she kept bitching about all of it . . . and here you thought you could talk some sense into her dumb ass with logic and facts? Didn't work than did it?

I got news for you buddy. It still doesn't!
Sometimes you have to allow a basic bitch to be basic.
I know the constitution means absolutely nothing to democrats, it’s all about how you feel about the situation and obtaining an outcome, even it means breaking the law to get there. Start learning Chinese genius, that way you can communicate directly with our new masters and Joe’s bosses.

I am certain you are OK with the Clintons. Bill the rapist/pedophile. The Hildebeast, a thing that slut shamed a 12-year-old to get her rapist/pedophile client off. No wonder it/she was able to coexist with a rapist/pedophile all these years.

Obama the racist, hates white people, and used the power of the government to oppress his political opposition (IRS scandal) and used the FBI/CIA to spy on and smear a political opponent, a true American patriot that Obama.

Al Gore, and the retarded gorbal warming BS. I see the ice caps have been gone for years as predicted. The fact that he burns 20 times the energy the average family burns in a year is far outweighed by the good he is doing having his fat ass flown all over kingdom come and living it up in Malibu.

I am sure you agree with the green new deal, time to give up the pollutant spewing turbo Buick, cut the cord to your house, get your solar panels, and log your ass onto the only board when the solar panels are working.

I don’t really like Trump (I believe his policies are in line with the constitution), that is beside the point, but what is really despicable are the dummies that want to undermine the very document that protects their dumb asses. Not for much longer, if you have your way, the fires are going to burn hot and bright. The lefty violence will be taken to the point of no return now that people like you have emboldened them. Joe and Kamala already hate people having personal freedom and liberty. Now that they have maneuvered into power illegally and gotten away with it, no need to restrain themselves further, or for that matter the other fowl swamp dwellers have no need to restrain themselves either. Should be fun.

Is this where you call me a racist or a Nazi? Yes, I’ll tell you the same thing they been telling trumptard and his lawyers,show me the proof. Where are the facts about all this voter fraud. I really can’t understand how you people don’t get that most people know he’s a criminal and can’t oversee a fucking lemon stand at alone the country. Bidon will be inaugurated trump will be gone and prosecuted by the southern district of NY. Remember you heard it here. The only thing in trumps future is court houses.
Speaking of pedofiles, not to mention the two dozen woman who accused dumpty of sexual harassment and or outright rape. Oh then theres always the payoff to the porn stars. Get real you are bringing a knife to gun fight.View attachment
Nice administration by the way,criminals,want more facts bring It on,this is to easy for me.


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hey Gene ....I have a simple question for you...and I dont want to get involved in the whole name calling or disrespectful stuff....but tell me some reasons why you support Biden ....without any mention of trump....just curious ....