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Absolutely unbelievable all of the stuff being unearthed. It's like somebody has been planning to steal the election no matter how blatant, ah but that could not happen, right?

Yup, but the dominoes are starting to wobble.
The word on the street is, the SC wants no part of this fight. The Trump team has to come with something more then they got. Trumps team lawyers want him to fire Rudy. Said he is deranged. He is making you (Trump) look bad. You will never see the SC with Rudy running things. at least that’s the talk in Congress, so maybe believable.

Like I'd believe much of anything coming out of congress'mouth.
Rudy's deranged but biden is coherent in everything he says, right. :ROFLMAO:
Of course they don't. They are not dumb, they already know this election was bad, it's just they want no part of the response to the chit show that will ensue if they do their job. We already know how 4 would vote but put yourself in the shoes of one of the other 5. Do you rule for Biden and have half the country mad at you for betraying the truth but knowing that more than likely the right will back down and the country will survive, even if it turns into China, or do you rule in Trump's favor but then have the other half of the country mad at you. The half, btw who for the most part of a year, have already proven that many of them have no respect for law, order, or property rights and would love to see everything burn.

How would you like to go down in history as the deciding vote that destroyed America?

Doing what's right and letting justice prevail is never a wrong or bad thing. Let the chips fall where they may. Would these justices prefer to have 1,000s of patriots on their tail or a bunch of soy boys.
No Nigel they can’t. They can try,but 1 it’s against the law,2 it will just get vetoed by the democratic governor of the great state of PA. Take the fork out of dumpty,he is done.

WOW! This guy is so smart if he were any smarter he'd be an asshole. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
If it can’t get past the pa Supreme Court it’s not gonna get to the federal
Really and truly there is only one R that I ever hated. That was Calvin Coolidge. My grandfather farm in eastern NC and he made apple brandy in the fall for extra money. ( moon shine ) as times were tough. Well the R’s didn’t like that shit and my grandfather serve 6 months in the pen. As he got caught. Things were really tough then, with kids to feed and what not. Of course the R’s doing away with drinking the Mafia really got a foot hold in this country. Bad deal, got the righteous R’s to thank for that. Then the family started to vote D’s after that. The family still made apple brandy. I remember helping when I as young in the fifties. Now my father was a big fan of Ike, so we when back to the R’s. And have been as a family that way ever since. I began to regret that after I found out Nixon did prolong the Vietnam war, which I was unlucky enough to serve in. But my point is this we have to survive as a United country or we all lose. Things change and always will. Trump has lost no two ways about it. Trying to over turn it is a waste, like it or not we have to support Biden. What are you going to do riot, loot, burn down city’s as the BLM movement did. If so then your no better then they were. The rest of the world is watching and hoping not. Now I’m sure Russia and China are hoping we fall apart. I for one will support Biden not because I’m happy but because I’m a American. Also for the good of the world. Believe or not there are many millions of people in this world that look to us
One last thing, out of all the R’s in the senate and all the R’s in the house. How many have come out and said oh Trump got screwed. Damn few. Why?
Speaking of pedofiles, not to mention the two dozen woman who accused dumpty of sexual harassment and or outright rape. Oh then theres always the payoff to the porn stars. Get real you are bringing a knife to gun fight.View attachment 360307

Must be rough going through life having every woman or man you asked out tell you "NO, YOU'RE CREEPY", so now all you have is hate President Trump. I actually feel sorry for you.
Joe's selection of competent people are all white iirc. Thought he said those poor non-white kids are just as smart. Maybe not?
Did you forget that women are the same as non whites, or they are part of this? Half the folks he is talking about are female and not all white.
LMAO, even old plug's dog hates him and knocked him down and hurt plug's 97yo ankle. :ROFLMAO:
Really and truly there is only one R that I ever hated.
I agree with most of the opinions shared. I respectfully disagree however that Trump "lost".

First of all, too much evidence of foul play. If someone steals my wallet, I wouldn't say . . . I lost it. Already know the reply about "courts rejected, evidence to shared or presented" so don't bother.

Secondly, it's not over yet, until an official statement is issued.
I been sharing it for the four years this ain’t new. I live near nyc,I personally know people he has bankrupted by fucking them over. He’s been a con for 40 years.

Now it comes out. Poor baby, Trump wouldn't give him a job even though he's qualified to do nothing but complain.
You live near nyc, big f'n deal, so do 20 million other people and that makes you an expert. :ROFLMAO:
I agree with most of the opinions shared. I respectfully disagree however that Trump "lost".

First of all, too much evidence of foul play. If someone steals my wallet, I wouldn't say . . . I lost it. Already know the reply about "courts rejected, evidence to shared or presented" so don't bother.

Secondly, it's not over yet, until an official statement is issued.
Really then why have only 9 out of 535 senate and Congress said there is evidence to turn this over.? Please share your thoughts on that.
Really then why have only 9 out of 535 senate and Congress said there is evidence to turn this over.? Please share your thoughts on that.
Why is Barr not saying anything either way?
Why are people being censored when sharing their beliefs and findings, such as Mastriano?
Why was the CIA involved with servers in 3 other countries, with software and equipment not owned nor controlled by the government?
Why would Giuliani, Sidney, and Flynn make up all these lies about fraud?
Why was there censorship about anything related to Hunter?
Why was there no response to help the Americans in Benghazi?

The swamp is deeper than any of us can imagine because of the mighty dollar.
Ahhh, because they're pus
Why is Barr not saying anything either way?
Why are people being censored when sharing their beliefs and findings, such as Mastriano?
Why was the CIA involved with servers in 3 other countries, with software and equipment not owned nor controlled by the government?
Why would Giuliani, Sidney, and Flynn make up all these lies about fraud?
Why was there censorship about anything related to Hunter?
Why was there no response to help the Americans in Benghazi?

The swamp is deeper than any of us can imagine because of the mighty dollar.
what you are really saying the whole country is fucked, no two ways around it. If 74 million people think like you it’s over. Good luck to you
Why is Barr not saying anything either way?
Why are people being censored when sharing their beliefs and findings, such as Mastriano?
Why was the CIA involved with servers in 3 other countries, with software and equipment not owned nor controlled by the government?
Why would Giuliani, Sidney, and Flynn make up all these lies about fraud?
Why was there censorship about anything related to Hunter?
Why was there no response to help the Americans in Benghazi?

The swamp is deeper than any of us can imagine because of the mighty dollar.