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Ahhh, because they're pussies?
I don't think they are.
I belief they have traded their integrity and honor for a fist full of dollars. Many know their careers may be over if they take a stand.

Heck Judas sold out his integrity to crucify the perfect man, so it's not too far-fetched to say these politicians did the same to an imperfect president.
Now it comes out. Poor baby, Trump wouldn't give him a job even though he's qualified to do nothing but complain.
You live near nyc, big f'n deal, so do 20 million other people and that makes you an expert. :ROFLMAO:
I like extra cheese on my pizza to keep it that way bout you Gene????
I don't think they are.
I belief they have traded their integrity and honor for a fist full of dollars. Many know their careers may be over if they take a stand.

Heck Judas sold out his integrity to crucify the perfect man, so it's not too far-fetched to say these politicians did the same to an imperfect president.

And could be also that a lot of them are as dirty as the demonrats and know "when" Trump gets back in they're going down hard too.
And could be also that a lot of them are as dirty as the demonrats and know "when" Trump gets back in they're going down hard too.
I believe 90% of politicians are dirty in one way shape or another.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Really and truly there is only one R that I ever hated. That was Calvin Coolidge. My grandfather farm in eastern NC and he made apple brandy in the fall for extra money. ( moon shine ) as times were tough. Well the R’s didn’t like that shit and my grandfather serve 6 months in the pen. As he got caught. Things were really tough then, with kids to feed and what not. Of course the R’s doing away with drinking the Mafia really got a foot hold in this country. Bad deal, got the righteous R’s to thank for that. Then the family started to vote D’s after that. The family still made apple brandy. I remember helping when I as young in the fifties. Now my father was a big fan of Ike, so we when back to the R’s. And have been as a family that way ever since. I began to regret that after I found out Nixon did prolong the Vietnam war, which I was unlucky enough to serve in. But my point is this we have to survive as a United country or we all lose. Things change and always will. Trump has lost no two ways about it. Trying to over turn it is a waste, like it or not we have to support Biden. What are you going to do riot, loot, burn down city’s as the BLM movement did. If so then your no better then they were. The rest of the world is watching and hoping not. Now I’m sure Russia and China are hoping we fall apart. I for one will support Biden not because I’m happy but because I’m a American. Also for the good of the world. Believe or not there are many millions of people in this world that look to us

Calvin Coolidge! Will y'all share some of your stories from WW-1 and especially the Spanish-American war. :D
The only thing we Americans can speak to that you have stated is Barr, he doesn’t want to go as far as Trump... As far as the CIA you me know nothing, you are guessing . Rudy is a joke, don’t ever bring him up. Hunter has nothing to do with nothing, if he did why didn’t Barr do something. Benghazi has nothing to do with nothing,
just a big fuck up
what you are really saying the whole country is fucked, no two ways around it. If 74 million people think like you it’s over. Good luck to you
Last I checked, it was closer to 84 million. And yes, many of those believe the country is fucked if Kamala (Biden) gets to be president. I am one of those people.

See, at this point, the bigger issue is that either administration will always be tainted. "Most" legally voting Americans want an fair and honest process regardless of outcome. That's really all that matters at this point.

Lastly: Good luck to you as well.
If he has a pussy! You nasty old man. Don't tell him Jerry, keep him in the dark. :ROFLMAO:
The only pussy ANY decent man can truly say he owns is a pocket pussy. The real thing is only on lease.
@ Gene Van all depends on the person ....and their oil filter ( liver ) and immune system ...on how covid affects them someone like this " KC87" is ready ....sorry for sharing your pic kc ...

View attachment 360329

Hey, I'm still better lookin than you but that ain't saying much. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
And by the way, its a KOA!
Last I checked, it was closer to 84 million. And yes, many of those believe the country is fucked if Kamala (Biden) gets to be president. I am one of those people.

See, at this point, the bigger issue is that either administration will always be tainted. "Most" legally voting Americans want an fair and honest process regardlessof outcome. That's really all that matters at this point.

Lastly: Good luck to you as well.
One last thing my whole family voted for Donald Trump, I just don’t believe that he got cheated on the scale that change this election, we have what we have, I would hope that as Americans we would continue to support our country. From what I see on this forum that’s not the case. I feel badly as to will come going forward. For my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren , wish the best to everyone.
Last I checked, it was closer to 84 million. And yes, many of those believe the country is fucked if Kamala (Biden) gets to be president. I am one of those people.

See, at this point, the bigger issue is that either administration will always be tainted. "Most" legally voting Americans want an fair and honest process regardlessof outcome. That's really all that matters at this point.

Lastly: Good luck to you as well.
nothing is fair with current situation....only way mail in ballots should and have been done in the past is absentee ....simple ....then its regulated by each county...some actually require notaries ...if you are concerned with current situation "covid" then request an absentee ballot...just a way to create an opportunity to manipulate ....that is alll....