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Jerry I’m sorry if you believe what your saying that our people were kill taken info from an ally. I don’t understand you no longer, I’ve received PM to get off this site because I’m wasting my time, one of which is one YOU you brag about all the time as the best here. What gets me is none of you running your mouth has ever been in a fight and ever kill , my God a human Being, yes I do need to leave
Well . . . Most people don't want to kill, and you didn't either before you had to right? What I am saying is . . . I would never hurt anyone intentionally but break into my house, and I won't hesitate because than, I feel I "have to".

Let me share one last and very personal thing with you. For most of my life because of my upbringings, I cared what people thought of me, and about me. It was entirely too much!
In many ways, I feel that its one thing that truly has limited my full potential. Today, I care less about peoples opinions of me than I did yesterday. I try to only care what GOD thinks of me.

I know you don't have a lot of time left, and truly wish you the very best.
Jerry I’m sorry if you believe what your saying that our people were kill taken info from an ally. I don’t understand you no longer, I’ve received PM to get off this site because I’m wasting my time, one of which is one YOU you brag about all the time as the best here. What gets me is none of you running your mouth has ever been in a fight and ever kill , my God a human Being, yes I do need to leave
Ray, put down the bottle and step away from the keyboard.

Let me tell you that I respect the fact that you have been in this thread from the beginning and you haven't been shy about sharing your opinions, not like Gene who was too afraid to be here until after the election when he thinks he has a winner and just shows up to troll. First if you don't think there are opposing "factions" in our government that have their own agenda and would be willing to use force to defend said agenda then I truly believe you are as naive as anyone I have ever known. Just because they work for the government doesn't mean they aren't mean, evil, and violent criminals. Now does this mean this is true? No, but you have at least to admit that it is a possibility. Jerryl has done just as good as any of the media companies is giving us stuff to digest and although he has his opinions he has always said that we need to make our own decisions.

I am also about fed up with your war stories. Don't get me wrong, I am proud and supportive of anyone who has served our country but in life we are just as much a product of our environments as anything. You are not the only Veteran here and just because your life circumstances put you into some shitty situations does not make you better or braver than anyone else here. In fact, I believe I heard you were drafted. I volunteered, as has everyone that has served since around 1972. I will admit that I was lucky enough that all of my service was during peacetime but that in no way means I would not have went into battle. I knew what that enlistment asked of me and I accepted that responsibility. I also have scars that will be with me till my grave that were received in the service of Uncle Sam. Not from conflict with the enemy but painful and permanent just the same. Sure you can say you are tough because you survived a war but stop dumping on other people just because they didn't have to. Trump sort of said the same thing about McCain. He wasn't a hero just because he was captured. He was just damn unlucky. I would like to think any man here would rise to the occasion if life forced them in to the same circumstances. Now I have to admit that I have never had to kill anyone but I have a job where it is still a possibility that one day I might and I have had to fight for my life but thankfully back-up arrived and saved my ass. I have walked daily among some of the worst of society knowing there was a chance I would not go home again. It is a job not everyone would do and I am proud to do it.

You are also not the only one with a Politician in the family. I don't think I have told anyone here before but my wife was a cousin of a famous top level politician who has been mentioned in this thread several times. Her mother and him played together when they were children. Her family are big Democrats and she thought it was funny that she married me and turned Republican. Now, personally, I have never met the man but I can tell you that I would not believe him if he told me the house was on fire and he was standing there with a can of gas and a match. I don't think he could tell the truth no matter how inconvenient it was. Politicians would never lie or withhold the truth, would they?

Speaking of my wife, I lost her early last year after a five year battle with colon cancer. She was only 39. Now Ray, I understand you have some health issues. I know how hard that can be on your loved ones. One thing my wife never did was to take it out on the people who loved her. No matter how bad she felt she always had a smile. You would not believe how many people have told us that her attitude made a difference in their lives. She made it a point to feel good even when she was feeling bad and people really noticed. I get the feeling that you want everyone else to feel your pain and misery. I cannot say that I understand what you are going through but please understand how much your attitude affects those around you, especially your wife. I know your wife is a doctor and has lost patients but she has never lost you before. This is a whole different ballgame for her. My wife kept her hope until the end and I don't want you to give up either. Miracles happen so don't write yourself off yet.

Point is, LIFE SUCKS. Sometimes you get a good hand, sometimes you get a bad hand but you've got to play what you were dealt. The outcome of this election is very important and a very serious issue but that doesn't mean you have to take it so seriously. So lighten up Ray.

P.S. I'm sorry but I have to assume that if you received a PM to get off this site it's so you will stop embarrassing yourself with that defeatist attitude you have. ;)
Ray, put down the bottle and step away from the keyboard.

Let me tell you that I respect the fact that you have been in this thread from the beginning and you haven't been shy about sharing your opinions, not like Gene who was too afraid to be here until after the election when he thinks he has a winner and just shows up to troll. First if you don't think there are opposing "factions" in our government that have their own agenda and would be willing to use force to defend said agenda then I truly believe you are as naive as anyone I have ever known. Just because they work for the government doesn't mean they aren't mean, evil, and violent criminals. Now does this mean this is true? No, but you have at least to admit that it is a possibility. Jerryl has done just as good as any of the media companies is giving us stuff to digest and although he has his opinions he has always said that we need to make our own decisions.

I am also about fed up with your war stories. Don't get me wrong, I am proud and supportive of anyone who has served our country but in life we are just as much a product of our environments as anything. You are not the only Veteran here and just because your life circumstances put you into some shitty situations does not make you better or braver than anyone else here. In fact, I believe I heard you were drafted. I volunteered, as has everyone that has served since around 1972. I will admit that I was lucky enough that all of my service was during peacetime but that in no way means I would not have went into battle. I knew what that enlistment asked of me and I accepted that responsibility. I also have scars that will be with me till my grave that were received in the service of Uncle Sam. Not from conflict with the enemy but painful and permanent just the same. Sure you can say you are tough because you survived a war but stop dumping on other people just because they didn't have to. Trump sort of said the same thing about McCain. He wasn't a hero just because he was captured. He was just damn unlucky. I would like to think any man here would rise to the occasion if life forced them in to the same circumstances. Now I have to admit that I have never had to kill anyone but I have a job where it is still a possibility that one day I might and I have had to fight for my life but thankfully back-up arrived and saved my ass. I have walked daily among some of the worst of society knowing there was a chance I would not go home again. It is a job not everyone would do and I am proud to do it.

You are also not the only one with a Politician in the family. I don't think I have told anyone here before but my wife was a cousin of a famous top level politician who has been mentioned in this thread several times. Her mother and him played together when they were children. Her family are big Democrats and she thought it was funny that she married me and turned Republican. Now, personally, I have never met the man but I can tell you that I would not believe him if he told me the house was on fire and he was standing there with a can of gas and a match. I don't think he could tell the truth no matter how inconvenient it was. Politicians would never lie or withhold the truth, would they?

Speaking of my wife, I lost her early last year after a five year battle with colon cancer. She was only 39. Now Ray, I understand you have some health issues. I know how hard that can be on your loved ones. One thing my wife never did was to take it out on the people who loved her. No matter how bad she felt she always had a smile. You would not believe how many people have told us that her attitude made a difference in their lives. She made it a point to feel good even when she was feeling bad and people really noticed. I get the feeling that you want everyone else to feel your pain and misery. I cannot say that I understand what you are going through but please understand how much your attitude affects those around you, especially your wife. I know your wife is a doctor and has lost patients but she has never lost you before. This is a whole different ballgame for her. My wife kept her hope until the end and I don't want you to give up either. Miracles happen so don't write yourself off yet.

Point is, LIFE SUCKS. Sometimes you get a good hand, sometimes you get a bad hand but you've got to play what you were dealt. The outcome of this election is very important and a very serious issue but that doesn't mean you have to take it so seriously. So lighten up Ray.

P.S. I'm sorry but I have to assume that if you received a PM to get off this site it's so you will stop embarrassing yourself with that defeatist attitude you have. ;)
So so sorry to hear of your lost. I can’t imagine what you have been though. Wish I had words and wisdom to say that would be good for you to read, I don’t. Wish you well in your life as you have earn it. Unlike most of us. Take care
If it can’t get past the pa Supreme Court it’s not gonna get to the federal
Seriously! If it is a matter of federal law (which this is), the US supreme court can decide to take it up, and can overrule the state court on matters dealing with the US constitution. Article II Section 1 of the UNTITED STATES CONSTITUTION.

Why do you refuse to address where you are coming from - Do you believe the US constitution is the law of the land? Yes or No?
Why is Barr not saying anything either way?
Why are people being censored when sharing their beliefs and findings, such as Mastriano?
Why was the CIA involved with servers in 3 other countries, with software and equipment not owned nor controlled by the government?
Why would Giuliani, Sidney, and Flynn make up all these lies about fraud?
Why was there censorship about anything related to Hunter?
Why was there no response to help the Americans in Benghazi?

The swamp is deeper than any of us can imagine because of the mighty dollar.
Bingo!!!!! We have a winner!!!!
One last thing my whole family voted for Donald Trump, I just don’t believe that he got cheated on the scale that change this election, we have what we have, I would hope that as Americans we would continue to support our country. From what I see on this forum that’s not the case. I feel badly as to will come going forward. For my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren , wish the best to everyone.
Ray, do you think what is happening is sustainable?
Peoples liberties are being yanked out from under them, and the Rs are as responsible as the Ds. Whether anyone likes it or not, we are at a serious inflection point. The TDS idiots pushed us here, and they blame the orange man. Additionally, many bad economic indicators tell you it is going to break one way or the other. 0.1 percent in this country own more wealth than the bottom 80%. WTF? They think it is their right to control everything, it is time for it to break. If Trump is the catalyst, so be it. I would rather be here and able to help my kids, then to have it break in 15 years when I will be to old (or gone) to do anything.
Jerry I’m sorry if you believe what your saying that our people were kill taken info from an ally. I don’t understand you no longer, I’ve received PM to get off this site because I’m wasting my time, one of which is one YOU you brag about all the time as the best here. What gets me is none of you running your mouth has ever been in a fight and ever kill , my God a human Being, yes I do need to leave
No need to leave Ray.
Biden is backing off most of his election promises like the Green deal and gun control, and the far left isn't happy about it. Weasels have whispered to the MSM they want to invoke the 25th amendment due to his worsening cognitive issues and have Heels Up Harris installed. Click the link below and I explain how the left, far left and the MSM is imploding.

Batman Joker - Perfect Psychopathy - YouTube
Biden is backing off most of his election promises like the Green deal and gun control, and the far left isn't happy about it. Weasels have whispered to the MSM they want to invoke the 25th amendment due to his worsening cognitive issues and have Heels Up Harris installed. Click the link below and I explain how the left, far left and the MSM is imploding.

Batman Joker - Perfect Psychopathy - YouTube
Wait till everything gets seized due to EO and election interference. People who think Trump and his Team are idiots better think again.
War Pigs - Black Sabbath

Gen'rals gathered in their masses,
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction,
Sorcerer of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning,
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind,
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh Lord yeah

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role for the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds,
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess,
Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah

Now in darkness world stops turning,
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more War Pigs have the power,
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pigs crawling,
Begging mercies for their sins
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings
Oh Lord yeah
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