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Whats sad is most guys I know are on their 2nd wife, one on his 4th!!! They'd of been way better off financially to just rent.
you know I believe there should be a law on how many times you are allowed to get married ....2 times ....unless unforeseeable circumstances your trailer caught on fire with her in it or something like that :p
One last thing my whole family voted for Donald Trump, I just don’t believe that he got cheated on the scale that change this election, we have what we have, I would hope that as Americans we would continue to support our country. From what I see on this forum that’s not the case. I feel badly as to will come going forward. For my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren , wish the best to everyone.

Your very last sentence, that's exactly why we Americans have to fight this outrageous in your face coup. Do you want your offspring growing up under communism and never knowing the wonderful life that America has offered all others before them.
nothing is fair with current situation....only way mail in ballots should and have been done in the past is absentee ....simple ....then its regulated by each county...some actually require notaries ...if you are concerned with current situation "covid" then request an absentee ballot...just a way to create an opportunity to manipulate ....that is alll....
Exactly. Than there is a software issue. But . . . we are at "if the glove don't fit you must acquit".

Remember hearing first hand from a few very close friends that the prom queen gave awesome BJs, but you could never prove it?
Your very last sentence, that's exactly why we Americans have to fight this outrageous in your face coup. Do you want your offspring growing up under communism and never knowing the wonderful life that America has offered all others before them.
James 1
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God,(J) who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.(K) 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt,(L) because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded(M) and unstable(N) in all they do.
you know I believe there should be a law on how many times you are allowed to get married ....2 times ....unless unforeseeable circumstances your trailer caught on fire with her in it or something like that :p

My cousin was a minister for about 45 years and wouldn't marry couples (only a man and woman) unless they came in for iirc 3 counseling sessions.
Yeah, pretty hard to defend when the fire inspector and Quincy-ME show up later and say they smell gas.
James 1
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God,(J) who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.(K) 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt,(L) because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded(M) and unstable(N) in all they do.
And when Solomon asked GOD for wisdom He thought it was such a wise request that He granted him that and much much more.
I think Proverbs should be mandatory reading in every classroom.
The only thing we Americans can speak to that you have stated is Barr, he doesn’t want to go as far as Trump... As far as the CIA you me know nothing, you are guessing . Rudy is a joke, don’t ever bring him up. Hunter has nothing to do with nothing, if he did why didn’t Barr do something. Benghazi has nothing to do with nothing,
just a big fuck up

Barr is just another deep state operative like pos jeff sessions. Rudy was a great fed prosecutor who took out a lot of the mafia with rico act. pos hunter is a BIG liability because he's leverage against his senile old man. cia should be disbanded.
Benghazi, that undercover fiasco was perpetrated by the same evil organizers that are trying to carry out this coup. If that had been totally investigated and scum sent to Gitmo we'd be rid of many of these current players. That's like saying Gulf of Tonkin had nothing to do with getting heavy into Vietnam. Oh, and saddam had weapons of mass destruction. 219 dead Americans and 40 billion dollars later it was all a lie.

Exactly. Than there is a software issue. But . . . we are at "if the glove don't fit you must acquit".

Remember hearing first hand from a few very close friends that the prom queen gave awesome BJs, but you could never prove it?

I always laughed at that stupid video of oj shitsome trying to put the glove on and it wouldn't really go on easy. Well f'n a right, the leather probably shrunk from all the blood that was soaked into it. He only got off for payback for rodney king.
YESTERDAY, Saturday 28 November 2020, we learned 5 Military Personnel were Killed In Action seizing voting system servers in Germany.

YESTERDAY, Saturday 28 November 2020, Joe Biden slips and twists his ankle playing with his dog named MAJOR.

I share, your decide.
YESTERDAY, Saturday 28 November 2020, we learned 5 Military Personnel were Killed In Action seizing voting system servers in Germany.

YESTERDAY, Saturday 28 November 2020, Joe Biden slips and twists his ankle playing with his dog named MAJOR.

I share, your decide.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to learning more about this and all those involved. American military men, the best and bravest to ever walk the earth. :love:
I always laughed at that stupid video of oj shitsome trying to put the glove on and it wouldn't really go on easy. Well f'n a right, the leather probably shrunk from all the blood that was soaked into it. He only got off for payback for rodney king.
Proof that just because your are guilty, doesn't mean it can be proven in court.
Likewise, just because your are innocent, doesn't mean you can prove it.

Guilty until proven innocent is really the disturbing trend in America
James 1
5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God,(J) who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.(K) 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt,(L) because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded(M) and unstable(N) in all they do.
YESTERDAY, Saturday 28 November 2020, we learned 5 Military Personnel were Killed In Action seizing voting system servers in Germany.

YESTERDAY, Saturday 28 November 2020, Joe Biden slips and twists his ankle playing with his dog named MAJOR.

I share, your decide.
Jerry I’m sorry if you believe what your saying that our people were kill taken info from an ally. I don’t understand you no longer, I’ve received PM to get off this site because I’m wasting my time, one of which is one YOU you brag about all the time as the best here. What gets me is none of you running your mouth has ever been in a fight and ever kill , my God a human Being, yes I do need to leave
Speaking of pedofiles, not to mention the two dozen woman who accused dumpty of sexual harassment and or outright rape. Oh then theres always the payoff to the porn stars. Get real you are bringing a knife to gun fight.
There is a lady at work who's last name happens to be Day. She literally walked up on two guys talking about the weather and heard one of them say "what a damn beautiful day it is." She entered a sexual harassment claim on them both. It is highly suspected that they were not her "type".
Actual rape is a crime and a "he said, she said" rape allegation based on a "regret equals rape" theory is not the same as rape. It is also in no shape or form on the same damn level as pedophilia. Minor's cannot consent to any sex so any and all sex is non-consensual and therefore rape. The Bidens anyone???
What I don't understand is the people who espouse, "Believe all women" are the same people who say all these people who are submitting sworn affidavits are lying. Especially since for the most part a woman who falsely cries "rape" is not prosecuted where the people submitting the affidavits are agreeing to be prosecuted if their statements are false.

Oh and paying a lady to not talk about a personal relationship when this lady makes a living getting paid to have sex is what, immoral?

I believe this was against the constitution that I know. Who the fuck is he to tell these people just don’t go. Fuck him.View attachment 360313
I seem to recall a lot of Dems refusing to show up for Hillary's email hearings.

I been sharing it for the four years this ain’t new. I live near nyc,I personally know people he has bankrupted by fucking them over. He’s been a con for 40 years.
And I dated a lady who lived in Jersey and years ago her cousin stopped and helped a disabled limo get back on the road. He never knew who was in the limo at the time but a couple of months later Trump paid off his mortage. She was still a never Trumper though and said that is the only nice thing she would ever say about him. I think that is pretty darn nice though but she voted for Bitem anyway. All I can say is... Haters gonna hate.

One last thing, out of all the R’s in the senate and all the R’s in the house. How many have come out and said oh Trump got screwed. Damn few. Why?
Because they are Politicians. They are used to lying. They won't say anything because they are afraid they will accidentally tell the truth. That and they are afraid of being on AOC's hit list if the coup is successful.

Oh, he is just being efficient and trying to get ready for the next election. :sneaky:

And could be also that a lot of them are as dirty as the demonrats and know "when" Trump gets back in they're going down hard too.
This could be the reason too.

Deep fake. Done in front of a green screen.
I know it's fake. Chris Cuomo said we couldn't see what was going on in his head, he said he thought about stuff. Never happened.

The only pussy ANY decent man can truly say he owns is a pocket pussy. The real thing is only on lease.
True dat!