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Biden being inaugurated has nothing to do with illegal conduct, did you read my post, I bet he is inaugurated, via a fraud. Did you bother to brush up on the constitution, or do facts and reality not matter. GA and PA broke the law by changing with the way they handled the mail in ballots, that is fact. (do you understand what the constitution provides and why it is important? Can you summarize?) The fact is the state legislatures can do something about it if they choose, fact. They likely won't. Sidney Powel filed two lawsuits (so far), you can go online and read them. The allegations are laid out, in detail, with affidavits. If you are not going to read anything, please stop the silliness and delusional blathering, it is there for those that choose to see. Just because you feel like these things should not be true, does not make them not true.

What good do you think the left is going to bring to the country? Socialism and Fascism go hand in hand, according to Marx the next step from the progress of socialism is communism, so is that your utopian dream for the USA? Don't worry, you can be honest.

I believe the constitution is the law, and it is not Ok to break it. The constitution is a contract, it is meant to be interpreted based on the meaning and the intent when it was written. That was also the intent of the founders. What do you believe?

Where are the facts that Trump is a criminal? Slimeball maybe, criminal?
Was Bill Clinton a criminal?
Hey was Obama smart, can you tell me what his college grades were?
Is Joe peddling influence and getting Chinese money? Is it OK that he is influencing deals for his brother and Hunter with the Chinese?
hey Gene ....I have a simple question for you...and I dont want to get involved in the whole name calling or disrespectful stuff....but tell me some reasons why you support Biden ....without any mention of trump....just curious .. well one reason rite off is that I know he will appoint competent people that actually know how to run a government. Second I believe he will actually do his best to get the World past this pandemic. Another, personality. Humble,can show remorse and apathy. 250,000 thousand and counting and gonna get worse before better.
A few hundred miles of NEW wall have been built.
The 3 mile number is totally misleading because nearly 300 miles of newly constructed wall (very early this year) had been built which replaced old dilapidated sections. They only wanted to give credit for the additional miles of wall built.

To simplify.... if there was 297 miles of barbed wire, rocks or ANYTHING that could be counted as a barrier it was considered existing wall. When 300 miles of new wall was built to replace it .... only 3 miles of "NEW" wall has been built. To date I believe the number is well over 400 miles.

I believe this was against the constitution that I know. Who the fuck is he to tell these people just don’t go. Fuck him.View attachment 360313
Testify to what????? Testify where???? Susan McDougall would not appear, did not want to perjure herself, and did not want to be executed by the Clintons. What hearing, trial, grand jury, court proceeding? Investigating what crimes? They all refused a subpoena?
I believe this was against the constitution that I know. Who the fuck is he to tell these people just don’t go. Fuck him.
We get it. You are convinced Trump has been the greatest con man in modern history . . But man, there is a lot of build up anger from the last 4 years sharing that, and everyone can sense it.
A few hundred miles of NEW wall have been built.
The 3 mile number is totally misleading because nearly 300 miles of newly constructed wall (very early this year) had been built which replaced old dilapidated sections. They only wanted to give credit for the additional miles of wall built.

To simplify.... if there was 297 miles of barbed wire, rocks or ANYTHING that could be counted as a barrier it was concerned existing wall. When 300 miles of new wall was built to replace it .... only 3 miles of "NEW" wall has been built. To date I believe the number is well over 400 miles. Fixing old wall isn’t building new wall and total waste of our money. The money idiot spent on that shit could pay for schools and teacher salarys for 20 years. We don’t need a wall,what is needed is a real,comprehensive border reform pIan, blame this on both sides, my fix, take 5 on each side weather be state or federal preferably who live near the border since they are closer to the problem and don’t come out without a plan. Not nazis like Bannon and Miller .
We get it. You are convinced Trump has been the greatest con man in modern history . . But man, there is a lot of build up anger from the last 4 years sharing that, and everyone can sense it.
I been sharing it for the four years this ain’t new. I live near nyc,I personally know people he has bankrupted by fucking them over. He’s been a con for 40 years.
I been sharing it for the four years this ain’t new. I live near nyc,I personally know people he has bankrupted by fucking them over. He’s been a con for 40 years.
Care to share your first hand knowledge?
Testify to what????? Testify where???? Susan McDougall would not appear, did not want to perjure herself, and did not want to be executed by the Clintons. What hearing, trial, grand jury, court proceeding? Investigating what crimes? They all refused a subpoena?
Yes they were all subpoenaed, what crimes ,you remember that pesky little impeachment that the fucking loser republicans who swore an oath on the Bible to uphold chose party over country.
so you think he can control Mother Nature ....there is nothing anyone can do about it ....if that was the case the rest of the world would have it solved since they have much better people in charge will take its course regardless....and I personally dont need someone who is a pussy and shows compassion in a dire situation....someone who keeps it real....but everyone has a different personality....such as life....there are many viruses that have affected the human population over the years....and to use that as a point of reference in how someone has dealt with the task of running a country is ridiculous...bc it is not in anyones control cannot control Mother Nature .....we have tried to and will try to until the end of time ....I try everyday and I always if you think he will appoint competent people and truly have the best interest of the American people ....just look at his VP.....or any of the people around him ....they have done nothing to benefit us....just themselves....its pretty cut and dry ....I do applaud you for expressing your views on the politicians are not the answer ....we need change in a huge way....and to get rid of the useless spending in multiple government agencies that in the great scheme of things do nothing for our economy infrastructure or overall well being .....most of them just are a big waste of time and a hindrance.....
Yes they were all subpoenaed, what crimes ,you remember that pesky little impeachment that the fucking loser republicans who swore an oath on the Bible to uphold chose party over country.
Congressional subpoena compared to a grand jury subpoena? Do you know the difference?
Did Trump get impeached? Guess the testimony was irrelevant to the D’s BS case.
I would have more respect for you if you just came out and said you have an uncontrollable hate for Trump and your loyalties to the democrats are such that you don’t care that democrats broke the law. Stop moralizing, it makes you look like a complete hypocrite (either that or delusional). By the way, you do not engage by answering any questions in any intelligent meaningful way.
The first time I ever considered voting for a Democrat was 2016, watched 15 minutes of the first D debate, and could tell it was rigged for the Hildebeast (bet you are Ok with her crimes?) Would have voted for Webb if he was the primary winner. It is a fact she stole the nomination, are you OK with that? Looked at 3rd party, bunch of morons there, Trump it is. I do not like Trump, but compared to the alternative voted for him. I have to be completely honest, if Joe had the nomination in 2016, I may have voted for him, but after what came out about his dealings with the Ukraine and China, not ever. And certainly not 2020, the D corruption is on full display, no equivalent in any other party. Repubs may be slimy and spineless, but not this all out evil thirst for power and domination.
One good thing is TDS laid bare how absolutely corrupt the federal government, the media, and the democrat party is. Maybe one or two good Ds left, handful of Rs, all else beyond corrupt. If not for the TDS, it would not be so blatant today.