I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Some of my teachers in grade school , 5th & 6th , would be in jail now for what was done in class back then . My 5th grade teacher was the best . He was a ex Army Sgt , and would keep a box up front on his desk with pieces of chalk & pink erasers which he would throw at you if you were talking or not paying attention . He was a pretty good shot too !! One day near the end of the school year he went to pick off an offender and all hell broke loose with a return of fire from the whole class that saved up ammo from the year . It was like the food fight in Animal House with chalk & erasers flying everywhere .
The same class I made a paper mache volcano with a old 6.5oz returnable Coke bottle inside . I filled it with ammonium dichromate and touched it off with magnesium ribbon . Holly crap that was TOO much ammonium dichromate . It blew ash up onto the ceiling lights and burned for a minute or two with flames shooting out the top .......................... I got an " A " for my project !!
My 6th grade science teacher brought in his dead cat to dissect and another time a cows eye . Good times !!

Ain't that the truth. I remember Mrs. Esley the 3rd grade teacher, probably in her late 50s. Wade was sort of slow and, ok, sort of tard and had been acting up. She grabbed a hold of him and gave his ass a good slap down and the rest was history as they say. Mr. Kelly in 6th grade, best year ever, great guy, one guy was being a jerk and he grabbed him by the front of the shirt, lifted him up and said, "Ya want to take it outside tough guy" Think the kid dumped 10 pounds of shit in his trousers from the look on his face. Lots of incidents like that but slowed down a lot after jr. high.

I hope his cat was a democrat. :LOL:
That is an excellent point, GOD and church not the same thing. I'd think the real church is the world's Christians. Most churches today are preaching religion and not Gospel. They're much to concerned with filling the plate and maintaining their tax free designation. Some of the best preaching is done outdoors or under a tent or just in the home. How many today just literally take a moment to give thanks for the food they are getting ready to eat. There's a day in the not to distant future where no amount of gold or anything else will buy a can of soup.

I am not a fan of organized religion, I've stated that in no uncertain terms, but these Johnny come lately "messiahs"
(they are all over TV) are FAR more dangerous, No?

I believe in a higher power, but rank and file real Christians need to wake up to the shit that is consuming them daily as they fear "the gubment".......

HOWEVER, BLM is not only JUST as bad, they seek to DESTROY this country, and need to be dispatched as just such incendiary, treasonous and treacherous, criminals.
Ain't that the truth. I remember Mrs. Esley the 3rd grade teacher, probably in her late 50s. Wade was sort of slow and, ok, sort of tard and had been acting up. She grabbed a hold of him and gave his ass a good slap down and the rest was history as they say. Mr. Kelly in 6th grade, best year ever, great guy, one guy was being a jerk and he grabbed him by the front of the shirt, lifted him up and said, "Ya want to take it outside tough guy" Think the kid dumped 10 pounds of shit in his trousers from the look on his face. Lots of incidents like that but slowed down a lot after jr. high.

I hope his cat was a democrat. :LOL:
My 9th grade gym teacher was a nut and built like a brick sh#t house too . When we played dodge ball we played skins & shirts , the team with all the school tough guys were always skins and he play on the other team . We played with volley balls and he had a hell of a fast ball that always left a mark !!
I am not a fan of organized religion, I've stated that in no uncertain terms, but these Johnny come lately "messiahs"
(they are all over TV) are FAR more dangerous, No?

I believe in a higher power, but rank and file real Christians need to wake up to the shit that is consuming them daily as they fear "the gubment".......

HOWEVER, BLM is not only JUST as bad, they seek to DESTROY this country, and need to be dispatched as just such incendiary, treasonous and treacherous, criminals.

That is sooo true. Right there, organized religion. The Lord did say many would come at the end times and claim to be he but when you hear he is in the dessert do not go. Has been said more than once that Christians today are asleep, if they had spoken up in the 60s when lots of this stuff started it never would of happened. Not only towards the end will there be a great increase in evil but also a great increase in those being awoken. Governments all over the world, especially the godless communists are scared to death of Christians, just look at what china is doing today. Remember that fake ernest angley, lmao when he would heal some person that had been blind all their life and they'd just walk away. Like wouldn't a normal person be jumping for joy praising the Lord. Or when he would cast out demons from somebody, really. Now I do believe that they exist and can influence or even mostly takeover someone, just look at what some do today, but this clown wasn't going to be doing it.
blm and antifa (they don't deserve capitalization) are two GOD and Jesus hating groups. At some point they will answer and so will the traitors.
How about now in WI you have to wear a diaper if doing video calls from your home and other states want you to wear one full time, even at home. Think I may have mentioned that masks are an occult driven thing that is act of submission and slavery. Came across that story by accident and researched it a bit more and appears to be true going back ages.
My 9th grade gym teacher was a nut and built like a brick sh#t house too . When we played dodge ball we played skins & shirts , the team with all the school tough guys were always skins and he play on the other team . We played with volley balls and he had a hell of a fast ball that always left a mark !!

Lol, forgot about the skins and shirts. Dodge ball was the best, fast moving and got to get the kids you didn't like. There were bleachers on each side and when ya missed the sound of the ball slamming into them was loud. For sure, left a nice red mark if hit. Took some a while to figure out side throwing was the key. Those were the best times but we were too young to know and appreciate them.
One thing I find very interesting is back 150 years ago there were Indian tribes that didn’t have a word for lie in their languages. That to me is amazing. A dad asked his young son , did you break that ? Now me if my dad ask me that ( knowing I was going to get a ass whipping ) who me , don’t know how that got broke. What did the Indian boy say ?? Always the truth ????

Just because they didn't have a word for it doesn't mean that they didn't know how to do it. According to the movies, they knew what a forked tongue was...……..Just saying.

That is sooo true. Right there, organized religion. The Lord did say many would come at the end times and claim to be he but when you hear he is in the dessert do not go. Has been said more than once that Christians today are asleep, if they had spoken up in the 60s when lots of this stuff started it never would of happened.

Think I may have mentioned that masks are an occult driven thing that is act of submission and slavery. Came across that story by accident and researched it a bit more and appears to be true going back ages.

As I see it, the proliferation of religions are due to one thing and one thing only. Well two things if you count greed. The "leaders" are in it for a buck but the followers are in it for validation. Everyone wants someone to condone their way of living. For believers, they want a religious figure who tells them they can live their life the way they want and still get into Heaven. For Christians to get into Heaven they must be forgiven. Now take homosexuals in the church. The Bible reads, "For a man to lie with a man as a woman is an abomination." Seems pretty clear to me. I would surmise that something that is called an abomination would most definitely be a sin. Sins can be forgiven but only if you are earnest in your asking. That means that you truthfully no longer intending to sin and if they don't intend to change their ways then they are not truly forgiven. The alphabets claim that God loves everyone and he made everyone perfect so he loves them even if they continue to sin and he does, but they are not going to Heaven. I believe the original Christian tenant was to love the sinner, hate the sin. If the Church doesn't agree with them then they just start their own church. Now they have so many denominations that even allow alphabet pastors. A lot of people have been led astray because of this. True Christians understand they have to obey God, God doesn't obey them. As to the secular, atheist, non-believers, etc., the validators for them are their teachers, politicians, and scientists who tell them that there is no God. But without God, does anything we do matter?

About speaking up. After the "Enlightenment" and over the years Christianity has become the real religion of peace (not islam as they claim) and Christians strive to live a Christ like life. Some of the qualities they espouse are love, understanding, humility, and turning the other cheek. This has led to a lot of "suffering in silence" as evil has gained ground by leaps and bounds because they wanted to be loving Christians. Christians have forgotten that Jesus turned over tables and ran shysters out of the temple.

As far as masks, that makes sense but you know what else that is very popular today that represents slavery?

Tattoos. In biblical times tattoos were the mark of a slave and people these days do it willingly.

Did anyone watch michelle obama talk last night. I did out of curiosity but shut it off when she started to scratch her balls. :ROFLMAO:

This girl I know is an avid Anti-Trumper and she asked me if I watched Obama's speech last night and proceeded to tell me how she "nailed it". I told her, "I didn't watch Michael's speech and heard it was not good at all." She was like, what? I asked, "You do know that Michelle is a man, right?" She said, "But Michelle is a woman. She has kids." I informed her that those are not her kids and they were borrowed for political appearance. She still wanted to argue but you could see the look of "what if?" on her face. :)
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One of the differences between the anarchist and Americans is that Americans didn't like Obama because of his policies and what he did AND didn't do. Anarchist on the other hand hate Trump on a personal level, but don't really know why, can't explain why, and don't have solid fact based arguments why.
Americans want freedom coupled with diminished laws and order and personal accountability.

Anarchist want the freedom without laws and order, with little to no accountability.
One of the differences between the anarchist and Americans is that Americans didn't like Obama because of his policies and what he did AND didn't do. Anarchist on the other hand hate Trump on a personal level, but don't really know why, can't explain why, and don't have solid fact based arguments why.
They are brain washed idiots? It appears there are 16 of them on this thread.
Should be in an AMX commercial; Priceless. Lol

The girl I was talking about is real special. She believes the conspiracy about Trump stealing mail boxes and the mail sorting machines. The funny thing is that her brother is a Trump supporter (the only one in her entire family) and has a Trump sign in his yard. She was talking about stealing it. I told her to be careful, people get shot like that, lol.