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She's Given Us The Runaround!

Stank teachers, and I use that word lightly, have become accustom to their free ride at home with full pay and benefits from unemployed taxpayers. Fire every single one that refuses to come back to work or open private schools with the money the assholes were extorting from working people to live high on the hog. And make real teaching mandatory, no more indoctrination or pc bullshit like gender crap, etc.

F that pos jimmy hoffa jr. That pos was all in with supporting administrator biteme and now it's bit his fat ass.
The mayor pos a just your run of the mill libtard evading the question because he wants to suck the taxpayer teet and get approved.
Just think of the IQ or lack thereof of the people that voted for her.
The problem is the people there may have had an IQ but chose not to use it when it came time to vote. Partisan politics, racism, and Orange Man Bad ruled their voting choice. All emotion driven reasons. Not a Mr. Spock logical type in the bunch of them.