I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Recently I have been escaping into my own thoughts with a little shock therapy. Still have not decided, afco or strange. Fruit - Ville is in full swing, and the tolerant people seem to have little tolerance for diversity, especially if your IQ happens to be more than theirs.
Flashback: What Reagan did to the ATC bunch.

But air traffic controllers are essential. :LOL:

I'm kind of up in the air about that one. It sure is a high stress high tech job with lots of people depending on you to "always" make the right decisions. One thing for sure it put a whole lot onto the supervisors trying to do all that work while new people were being trained. Sort of odd since President Reagan was once the chief of the actors guild union.
Think if he were still President he'd fire hollyweird? :LOL:
First, they fire the news editor.
Now this.
Murdock's kid, and his lefty scum wife, are really tanking what's left of Fox News.
I dropped them, when they pulled the AZ fiasco. Have not looked at the site, nor listened to a single broadcast of Hannity, Carlson, nor any of the other bullshit programs, since.
Don't feel bad. We have a whole load of 'em up here that have no concept of the Canadian Constitution as well.

At one point in the past congress was being given a demo of one of the earlier mars rovers, and that beastly dum dum asked if they could drive the rover up to where Neil Armstrong planted the flag.
Thought this was pretty interesting. Sounds to me like Time magazine admits there was fraudulent activity during the election.
