I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

Law and Order will quash that shit, TOOT SWEET, given the opportunity. And TRUMP will give them that VERY opportunity.

It's about time.
If Trump loses , I want to think Ted may be the next best shot, Next go around . beyond that ???

Ted who?

You like to say TRUMP is going to lose.

I think you are wrong.

And there we are.

I hope the family is getting better, from the bottom of my heart, I do.
Ted who?

You like to say TRUMP is going to lose.

I think you are wrong.

And there we are.

I hope the family is getting better, from the bottom of my heart, I do.
No I do not think Trump will lose, if it matters I decided to vote for him. (Mail yesterday), Texas Ted, c’mon. Thank you for the family stuff, means alot
No I do not think Trump will lose, if it matters I decided to vote for him. (Mail yesterday), Texas Ted, c’mon. Thank you for the family stuff, means alot

It's truly said from the heart.

We aren't that much different. You and I, we are politically passed by already....... We just want to see a better country for our kids and theirs, too, no? The one thing we have is the power to vote and we are one BIG block.

Problem is, many of those kids don't see our good intentions, albeit with some differences.
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They do, if they drop their panties.....

That reminds me of a story.
The guy wanted to have sex with his wife so he said, "Why don't you come on over here sweetie" On the way over she stubbed her toe on the bed and he said, "Oh my, did you hurt your iddy biddy toe, let me kiss it and make it better"
So they have sex and on the way to the bathroom she hit her toe again and he says, "You really are a clumsy moron"
If Trump loses , I want to think Ted may be the next best shot, Next go around . beyond that ???
No way. Ted is probably thinking . . . I am so glad I didn't win.

POTUS is a seriously high stress job because you are fighting everything and everyone. It makes building buicks look like childs play.
Sex and politics......

Ya' just can't separate them........... It's true.

No way. Ted is probably thinking . . . I am so glad I didn't win.

POTUS is a seriously high stress job because you are fighting everything and everyone. It makes building buicks look like childs play.

There are guys out there still building Buick's?

Crazy son's of Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
No I do not think Trump will lose, if it matters I decided to vote for him. (Mail yesterday), Texas Ted, c’mon. Thank you for the family stuff, means alot
Ted sure wouldn't work for free. I really think he has second thoughts about ever running again. Matter of fact, I bet MANY do because they have seen how nasty it can be.

Who on here think they can do a better job? I bet no one, and most certainly not me.
You need crocodile skin on top of elephant skin, on top of whale blubber to be POTUS.
Let me say this in closing for tonite, my life like others has been up and down like a lot of others. Done things I’m not proud of , have done a few I have Regreted. I’m at end of life and I will admit To you think about a whole lot BS, Fairness, truth. How you view and treat others. About all the sorry ass things you have said and done to other people and family. As everyone has at some point in there life. Look hard at both sides, as you may not be right about your thinking. I’ve been hard nose all my life, and why am I thinking mabye I’m not right, keeps me up at night, I have only a couple of years at best to life, it does change your thinking about things. I’m not nearly as hard nose as I was in the past, and you will NOT be either. I find now I care about about everyone, never in my past have I been that way. To bad we don’t come into the world like that. Maybe on purpose. Wish all of you guys the best in life. Hope that you get what most matters to you, and above all wish you good health.

Join the club on that one, we'd all like to go back in time and change a few things. Nothing to do now but try not to repeat the same mistakes. Everyone is more hard nose when younger because you think you're invincible and age really does mellow you out.
Today its different, can't see or understand these scum trying to destroy the Constitution and our way of life and there's just no reasoning with them. We know what's right so there's no need for you or I to change being hard nose over that. There's always right and wrong and in this case the left and libtards are wrong.
Fortunately I've never screwed anyone over, not that I can think of and have everything I need material wise and than some thanks to GOD. And you sure are right about how important good health is and give thanks to the Lord to get up every morning.
A couple more years! Ha! You'll probably outlive all of us because you know what they, "Pricks live forever" and you're a BIG prick. But a lovable BIG prick. :love::LOL::love:
Ted sure wouldn't work for free. I really think he has second thoughts about ever running again. Matter of fact, I bet MANY do because they have seen how nasty it can be.

Who on here think they can do a better job? I bet no one, and most certainly not me.

If elected, I wouldn't be able to find my own ass with a compass and a road map!

I'm jus' sayin'.
No one is really voting for Trump but rather against the establishment. Trump just happened to be the guy who exposed some of the evil.

And still the only one exposing it. That sewer runs long and deep and he has hardly any help running the septic tank truck. I'm voting for Trump because I like him and he doesn't let the riff raff run roughshod over him.
Join the club on that one, we'd all like to go back in time and change a few things. Nothing to do now but try not to repeat the same mistakes. Everyone is more hard nose when younger because you think you're invincible and age really does mellow you out.
Today its different, can't see or understand these scum trying to destroy the Constitution and our way of life and there's just no reasoning with them. We know what's right so there's no need for you or I to change being hard nose over that. There's always right and wrong and in this case the left and libtards are wrong.
Fortunately I've never screwed anyone over, not that I can think of and have everything I need material wise and than some thanks to GOD. And you sure are right about how important good health is and give thanks to the Lord to get up every morning.
A couple more years! Ha! You'll probably outlive all of us because you know what they, "Pricks live forever" and you're a BIG prick. But a lovable BIG prick. :love::LOL::love:

With a PUMP......... I can't do that..... :(
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Mathew 17:20

Good quote my son. And don't forget all the times the witches and warlocks got together to put multiple hexes on him and iirc they all returned to the senders 7 fold.
I get such a kick out of telling pollsters that I will be voting for Joe..........

Fucking retards.

I told the pollster when they called I was voting for franklin deleno roosevelt and they asked who's that the communist-asshole party nominee. No, that's joe and cameltoe silly.
What do we do when this election is really over with. Talk about Buick’s again. Gosh even that may be boring after these last month’s.

Are you kidding! Like Rush says, "Funny stupid things happen when libtards are around" :LOL: