I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

What are your thoughts on post 856?
Well thought out , don’t degree with what you said. My issue is everything I read is not balanced, it’s one sided. That’s not the truth. There is an will be two sides, which should always be considered. I’m not seeing that on this forum. That’s all
Well thought out , don’t degree with what you said. My issue is everything I read is not balanced, it’s one sided. That’s not the truth. There is an will be two sides, which should always be considered. I’m not seeing that on this forum. That’s all

Most times, life just isn't fair.

If i remember correctly, you disagreed with me on how badly Native Americans got screwed back in the day. I may be mistaken on that, but if so, why is it so different for blacks in your mind?
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What the fuck is wrong with you people. Are you just stupid, the R’s took over the south in the 70’s and 80’s. I was there, I know . The blacks went north. Who the hell do you dumb asses think voted all these D’s in office, Up north that run all these northern city’s. The blacks did,that’s who. They have gotten a raw deal no matter where they have been. And I would bet most people don’t give a fuck, I hear all this this shit, and wonder why. I’m going on 69 years old and I believe there is NO fairness on either side of this debate. If it is a debate, more then likely it’s BS. Hello

Like that old saying goes, "Life isn't fair" and it targets everyone, not just minorities. But plenty of whites have started out with a bad hand and pulled themselves out of it by working hard and anyone can do it if they put their mind to it. Thing is today many want instant gratification.
Civil War left decades of hatred and Sherman's march sure didn't help. Than the carpetbaggers on top of that taking advantage of the situation afterwards. Then the DemonRats started their metamorphosis into a communist party and the Republicans now represent more of the traditional southern longtime traditions.
Now the northern cities have become the southern cities after the war.
True, the blacks did vote these evil DemonRats in but now its coming back to haunt them and they're getting woke slowly but surely and the libtards are trying to replace them with illegals.
Well thought out , don’t degree with what you said. My issue is everything I read is not balanced, it’s one sided. That’s not the truth. There is an will be two sides, which should always be considered. I’m not seeing that on this forum. That’s all
There are philosophical differences, which makes it hard to find middle ground. Than there is right and wrong to which middle ground is hard to find. Take abortions for example. Where is the middle ground?

Tough questions that will still need to be answered long after we are gone.
Like that old saying goes, "Life isn't fair" and it targets everyone, not just minorities. But plenty of whites have started out with a bad hand and pulled themselves out of it by working hard and anyone can do it if they put their mind to it. Thing is today many want instant gratification.
Civil War left decades of hatred and Sherman's march sure didn't help. Than the carpetbaggers on top of that taking advantage of the situation afterwards. Then the DemonRats started their metamorphosis into a communist party and the Republicans now represent more of the traditional southern longtime traditions.
Now the northern cities have become the southern cities after the war.
True, the blacks did vote these evil DemonRats in but now its coming back to haunt them and they're getting woke slowly but surely and the libtards are trying to replace them with illegals.

PLEASE, don't say "WOKE" anymore.

That phase should be relegated to 20 year old WHITE girls named "Rachel" (the new "young" Karen) and their idiotic passion for claiming their "White Privilege" while marching for BLM.

Like one single black person EVER gave one single FUCK about a 20 year old white girl.

Stupid girls.

View attachment
PLEASE, don't say "WOKE" anymore.

That phase should be relegated to 20 year old WHITE girls named "Rachel" (the new "young" Karen) and their idiotic passion for claiming their "White Privilege" while marching for BLM.

Like one single black person EVER gave one single FUCK about a 20 year old white girl.

View attachment 358877

Like that old saying goes, "Life isn't fair" and it targets everyone, not just minorities. But plenty of whites have started out with a bad hand and pulled themselves out of it by working hard and anyone can do it if they put their mind to it. Thing is today many want instant gratification.
Civil War left decades of hatred and Sherman's march sure didn't help. Than the carpetbaggers on top of that taking advantage of the situation afterwards. Then the DemonRats started their metamorphosis into a communist party and the Republicans now represent more of the traditional southern longtime traditions.
Now the northern cities have become the southern cities after the war.
True, the blacks did vote these evil DemonRats in but now its coming back to haunt them and they're getting woke slowly but surely and the libtards are trying to replace them with illegals.
Let me say this in closing for tonite, my life like others has been up and down like a lot of others. Done things I’m not proud of , have done a few I have Regreted. I’m at end of life and I will admit To you think about a whole lot BS, Fairness, truth. How you view and treat others. About all the sorry ass things you have said and done to other people and family. As everyone has at some point in there life. Look hard at both sides, as you may not be right about your thinking. I’ve been hard nose all my life, and why am I thinking mabye I’m not right, keeps me up at night, I have only a couple of years at best to life, it does change your thinking about things. I’m not nearly as hard nose as I was in the past, and you will NOT be either. I find now I care about about everyone, never in my past have I been that way. To bad we don’t come into the world like that. Maybe on purpose. Wish all of you guys the best in life. Hope that you get what most matters to you, and above all wish you good health.
Let me say this in closing for tonite, my life like others has been up and down like a lot of others. Done things I’m not proud of , have done a few I have Regreted. I’m at end of life and I will admit To you think about a whole lot BS, Fairness, truth. How you view and treat others. About all the sorry ass things you have said and done to other people and family. As everyone has at some point in there life. Look hard at both sides, as you may not be right about your thinking. I’ve been hard nose all my life, and why am I thinking mabye I’m not right, keeps me up at night, I have only a couple of years at best to life, it does change your thinking about things. I’m not nearly as hard nose as I was in the past, and you will NOT be either. I find now I care about about everyone, never in my past have I been that way. To bad we don’t come into the world like that. Maybe on purpose. Wish all of you guys the best in life. Hope that you get what most matters to you, and above all wish you good health.

And of course, the best to you and yours!

This world is funny, we get along, then we disagree on the simplest of things.

I just hope we can all work it all out in the end, like the way it's supposed to happen....... :)

Too bad politicians can't live by the same rules.
What do we do when this election is really over with. Talk about Buick’s again. Gosh even that may be boring after these last month’s.

"WE" will just go back to daily life, no matter who wins.

"WE" won't cry like an insane woman on inauguration day, we won't protest, we won't burn shit down and/or riot.

We will just go back to work, just like we did yesterday, because we are conservatives and we understand that the law of the land is just that.

Others, however, might not see things the same way, and then, well............ Then is when Congress Woman Maxine Waters', ATTACK and DESTROY policy kicks in........... watch it happen, cuz Trump WILL win and her BULLSHIT, MILITANT words will come to fruition.

Fucktards rioting because they don't like how things went.

Law and Order will quash that shit, TOOT SWEET, given the opportunity.
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We will just go back to daily life, no matter who wins.

We won't cry like an insane woman, we won't protest, we won't burn shit down or riot. We will go back to work, just like we did yesterday, because we are conservatives and understand that the law of the land is just that.

Others, however, might not see things the same way, and then, well, then is when Congress Woman Maxine Waters', ATTACK and DESTROY policy kicks in........... watch it happen, cuz Trump WILL win.
If Trump loses , I want to think Ted may be the next best shot, Next go around . beyond that ???