I'm looking for a working adjustable fuel pressure regulator.

still cant believe we have 21 people here that would vote for him.
I would guess those 21 are being straight up honest. I voted forTrump in 2016, however I’m one of the others in this poll. Don’t know how many more lies is one supposed to hear, as far as this Covid shit he hasn’t done worth shit other then to say how wonderful he is. Now my wife and I are not misinformed or brainwashed and clearly don’t need a handout. I still may hold my nose and vote for the fat fuck. And I will say Trump has no character doesn’t have emtathy for anyone. But I guess you don’t have too run a country
Nasty bih . . .

Oh will you guys stop! If you knew no one would find out you'd be the first hitting it! Look at those luscious lips and just think of a big booger getting lodged in that cute schnoz ring! Not to even mention the bearded clam! And those bedroom eyes are to die for. :LOL:
As for me, I'd get my jollies just putting her necklace on her inside out. Extra tight. :ROFLMAO:
I would guess those 21 are being straight up honest. I voted forTrump in 2016, however I’m one of the others in this poll. Don’t know how many more lies is one supposed to hear, as far as this Covid shit he hasn’t done worth shit other then to say how wonderful he is. Now my wife and I are not misinformed or brainwashed and clearly don’t need a handout. I still may hold my nose and vote for the fat fuck. And I will say Trump has no character doesn’t have emtathy for anyone. But I guess you don’t have too run a country

Ya know, the cdc said last week that 9200 have actually died of the Wuhan virus while others had underlying health issues like dying in a car accident. Look at the hong kong flu in 68, almost 34,000 died and that's with about 140 million less people back than so today would be like 50,000 or so and we didn't destroy the economy over it.
Like Mr.Spock said, "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few" How many have died needlessly because of delayed surgery, drug overdoses, suicides, increase in drug and alcohol abuse, murders, assaults, all crimes and not to mention domestic violence and divorce.
How weak would Trump appear to the rest of the world if he acted like a sniveling girly man. If you want to talk needless deaths look at the cuomo and his expert plan for the virus, 1,000s of elderly people killed because of the disturbed bastard infecting nursing homes. Highly qualified virus experts have said countless times that hardly any needed to die if they had given the HCQ treatment to them. If there's an honest investigation on this heads will roll. Trump has done an excellent job with what he's had to work with, fighting the DemonRats at every turn. Remember posleezy, schumer, deblahsio screaming its nothing and go eat in chinatown and hug everybody.
I still love ya though. :love:
Oh will you guys stop! If you knew no one would find out you'd be the first hitting it! Look at those luscious lips and just think of a big booger getting lodged in that cute schnoz ring! Not to even mention the bearded clam! And those bedroom eyes are to die for. :LOL:
As for me, I'd get my jollies just putting her necklace on her inside out. Extra tight. :ROFLMAO:

I'd be afraid some DeBlasio would rub off...........or something else.
Ya know, the cdc said last week that 9200 have actually died of the Wuhan virus while others had underlying health issues like dying in a car accident. Look at the hong kong flu in 68, almost 34,000 died and that's with about 140 million less people back than so today would be like 50,000 or so and we didn't destroy the economy over it.
Like Mr.Spock said, "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few" How many have died needlessly because of delayed surgery, drug overdoses, suicides, increase in drug and alcohol abuse, murders, assaults, all crimes and not to mention domestic violence and divorce.
How weak would Trump appear to the rest of the world if he acted like a sniveling girly man. If you want to talk needless deaths look at the cuomo and his expert plan for the virus, 1,000s of elderly people killed because of the disturbed bastard infecting nursing homes. Highly qualified virus experts have said countless times that hardly any needed to die if they had given the HCQ treatment to them. If there's an honest investigation on this heads will roll. Trump has done an excellent job with what he's had to work with, fighting the DemonRats at every turn. Remember posleezy, schumer, deblahsio screaming its nothing and go eat in chinatown and hug everybody.
I still love ya though. :love:

Trump played the hand he was dealt. He was fucked from the jump.

What would Hillary have done? Probably not much different. But it's highly likely that a few (or even more) close to her would have mysteriously died, just to keep her secrets hidden.

We're better off with Trump, no matter.
I'd be afraid some DeBlasio would rub off...........or something else.

Yes, you don’t want to be tempted to get your belly button pierced, or worse yet your nipples let alone long dong silver.

Maybe they already are?, ok I don’t want to know! Hahaha
Yes, you don’t want to be tempted to get your belly button pierced, or worse yet your nipples let alone long dong silver.

Maybe they already are?, ok I don’t want to know! Hahaha

Thanks for the "long dong silver" description.

I'm hung like a field mouse.......... :( But I have a seven inch tongue and I've learned to breath thru my belly button. :giggle:
The Trumpster has just ordered ALL the Russia/Hitlary docs to be totally declassified.
I'm betting she, Mueller, and company, et alia, all have sand in their manginas. this am.
Seems other deep swampers, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and CIA Director Gina Haspel, claiming that the directors have been blocking the release of documents.
It's time for Trump to hit these 2 assholes w/ the ban hammer!

A bit of "G2" on this Haspel bitch...Scary.
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Well Trumps ass is now in the fire, the R’s are pissed. Lindsey said we will be blame for this. We have to do a stimulus, if we don’t we will lose the senate. Collins said just stupid. Others are saying Trump just kick the chess board in our face. He is on Covid drugs, one of them does screw with the mind. Would like to see you guys get $1200. Has to help you folks.
Well Trumps ass is now in the fire, the R’s are pissed. Lindsey said we will be blame for this. We have to do a stimulus, if we don’t we will lose the senate. Collins said just stupid. Others are saying Trump just kick the chess board in our face. He is on Covid drugs, one of them does screw with the mind. Would like to see you guys get $1200. Has to help you folks.

Most people just pissed that $1200 away on shit anyway and will do so again instead of paying the rent or buy food or needed supplies with it. That new big screen tv or idiot phone came first. All kinds of stories out there from landlords not getting paid but tenants buying new cars and electronics since governors have allowed no rent payments or mortgages either.
Its the DemonRats that have been holding any stimulus up with overwhelming demands of outrageous sums including rebuilding all the cities their supporters burned down. At least the dollar will last a tiny bit longer without one. Did you know what a dollar would purchase back in 1913 when the illegal federal reserve was created now costs 2700% more, yup, $27 to buy what $1 did back then.
Thank GOD for President Trump and may Vice President Pence mop the floor tonight with the evil communist kameltoe.
Most people just pissed that $1200 away on shit anyway and will do so again instead of paying the rent or buy food or needed supplies with it. That new big screen tv or idiot phone came first. All kinds of stories out there from landlords not getting paid but tenants buying new cars and electronics since governors have allowed no rent payments or mortgages either.
Its the DemonRats that have been holding any stimulus up with overwhelming demands of outrageous sums including rebuilding all the cities their supporters burned down. At least the dollar will last a tiny bit longer without one. Did you know what a dollar would purchase back in 1913 when the illegal federal reserve was created now costs 2700% more, yup, $27 to buy what $1 did back then.
Thank GOD for President Trump and may Vice President Pence mop the floor tonight with the evil communist kameltoe.
Well I have a granddaughter who husband got killed in a tree cutting accident. Three weeks ago. They have a 6 month old little boy of course our family will take care of them, but there are plenty out there that don’t have that kind of help. Find it hard to believe 150 million people would just throw away the $1200.if fact I know more then a few that WILL spend it on there Buick’s