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In Hot- Air pursuit of local menace


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Active Member
May 23, 2001
I live on a narrow residential street(30ft wide at most)near a stop sign which is 2 houses away.There are at least a dozen and a half kids on this particular area of the street not including my 3.The sidewalks are within 4-5 ft of the road and there is alternate parking.Well I have seen on many occasions a certain black, manual trans, 6 cyl late model camaro blowing thru that stopsign during the middle of the day when all of the kids(most 10 yrs and under) are around and on the sidewalks.He is really hauling ass sometimes too anywhere from 40-60 miles per hour and the limit there is 30 mph which is too high IMO.This has been persistent and I did'nt even mention the numerous 5000+ rpm holeshots yet.Needless to say,any man looking out for his own would eventually have to do something.

Here where it gets fun,Today I pull in the driveway and sure enough this kid comes and blows thru the sign again and blisters on by.Well,unfortunately for him,I was in a bad mood,I had a half a tank of 100 octane and 20psi on tap,and the ambient was in the high 70's.I backed out and began to persue the prey.Oh he ran, but there was nowhere to hide and he eventually realized the futility of trying to escape the Black Beast.I must have scared the hell out of him because I followed him for a while with some serious aggression.After a little of this he stopped going fast and dumping his clutch because he realized it was not helping.My brakes were getting redhot it seemed so I was glad to see this,a few more stops and I wouldda thrown in the towel LOL.I beep and motioned him to stay put as i came along side of him.This kid was prolly 18-20 yrs old and when I looked at him I almost busted out laughing because he looked as if he might have a load in his pants.But I kept a strait face and starting giving him the business about the kids and stopsign and everything and he fully agreed without any argument to be on his best behaviour(at least when he is in my neighborhood).He seemed like an ok kid who just has his head in his a$$ like most of us did when we were that young.But I'm sure he learned a very dark lesson today.If all cops had these cars NOBODY would get away:eek:
heheheh.... sounds like a lot of fun :)

sounds like its time to do the 12" brake upgrade ;)
Good job. Nothing like being tracked down by Darth Vader to scare some respect into the kid