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Injector placement question


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Nov 18, 2014
I recently bought a used set of injectors 80lb deka’s that had been cleaned and flow checked. All 6 are pretty close within 1-2% of eachother. Should I even worry about what orientation I install them? Should I put the leanest in the front or am I worrying about something that I shouldn’t worry about?
You are definitely over thinking it bud . Just put them in and turn up the boost .
You are definitely over thinking it bud . Just put them in and turn up the boost .
That’s the plane dank turn up the boost and feed her a steady diet of corn and fords. I thought maybe I was overthinking it, but being a aircraft mechanic I do that often.
If it makes you feel better, and you know the flow rate, put the rich ones in the back.

But sorry to ruin your day, your rich to lean EGT's may still be over a hundred degrees apart under most driving conditions.
Since you already know the flow rates, put the highest ones in the back. It's not going to hurt. Hell, it was more trouble to make this post than it is to push the fuel rail down.

...and get a power plate so it doesn't matter. :)
Should I even worry about what orientation I install them? Should I put the leanest in the front or am I worrying about something that I shouldn’t worry about?
if they flow that close you really dont have to worry,however to answer your question once you found your leanest cylinder then you would put the best flowing injector on it.
Thanks guys for the info. I figured since I knew the flow data might as well use it.
Earl one is on order also.