Iraqi Planes hidden in the sand.....

Originally posted by Foolis
Iraq is a war for oil.

Why do you Americans think GDB went after Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia, where 15 of the highjackers came from, and Y was GB senior having lunch with Osamas brother? And why did the Bin Laden's fly home without questioning when the rest of North America was in a "No Fly" mode? And no, these are not "dem consp. theories", they are facts.

Fool, so much misinformation. I'm sure all Americans, as am I, are grateful to the Canadian Armed Forces for their contributions in the war against terror. However, from my perspective, it would seem you and your government would be more comfortable just ignoring the whole situation. We are not happy that your government allows "anybody" entrance into your country. That will prove to be a big mistake. You'll not be safe in your socialism. The people who killed innocent Canadians on 9/11 were muslim terrorists. If you choose to believe Sadaam's people are any different, just add that to your fantasies.
We are not happy that your government allows "anybody" entrance into your country. That will prove to be a big mistake.

You are right, our <Canada's> immigration policies are a joke. Canada gives refugee status to pretty well anyone who wants it, and supports them for 6 - 9 months as the gov decides whether or not the case is valid.
I will not defend our immigration policy, its a POS. But, I will defend our troops in AF against Chris Cairns "No Balls" banter.

Chris, read a little, educate yourself, have a beer, and kiss my Royal Canadian A$$.
Remember the Korean War?. Not a big one, but all Canadian's involved volunteered.

Sorry, the 10 minute limit.

The US's immigration policy is also flawed, as was demonstrated by a bunch of Saudis on 9/11.

Fool, so much misinformation

Red, find ANY source that will dispute the GB senior Bin Laden luncheon / flying the Bin Ladens out if the country on 911.....I dare yea! :)

Originally posted by Foolis

Oh yea America, thanks for the amphedamine pumped - up F-16 pilot that dropped a 500lb bomb on us while doing training manouvers, nice work there! But in the fog of war, all is forgiven.

Things can happen in war BUT -
let me apologize personally for this misfortune. The squadron/pilot hails form none other than my home town....

I was kidding....I have nothing but respect for Canada..

You will get nothing but Rhetoric from 2quiktocare and Red Regal!
Ignore them.............
Originally posted by Foolis

Red, find ANY source that will dispute the GB senior Bin Laden luncheon / flying the Bin Ladens out if the country on 911.....I dare yea! :)


I won't dispute it because it doesn't mean anything. None of the Saudi's that left the country on that flight had ANY links to terrorists. Is it a state law somewhere that if you have a brother you disowned 10 years ago commits a murder, You are to be arrested, because it sure isn't a federal law.

What should have happened? What would YOU have done? Held them a couple days FOR NO REASON and then let them go? :rolleyes:

Do you think we should take out the Saudis that support terrorists?

I do.

Iraq is the perfect place to do it from. Name one place better.
Originally posted by teranfon

I don't profess to know enough about Canada's immigration laws to comment, but overall I think that the majority of immigrants are hard working and sincere individuals with no intentions of wrongdoing. Many people consider Canada or the United States two of the best places to live. Both deservedly so.

I am curious, however, in regards to your comments Canada having a socialist government with leftist tendencies. Not attempting to start anything, just curious as to these remarks.


Terry, here is one of many articles I have read concerning immigration in Canada. The fact that an immigrant may be hard working, doesn't mean they'll necessarily have allegiance to our countries and won't conspire to effect a terrorist attack.
This article is out of Fox News, which is not allowed to broadcast in Canada. Yes, not allowed..........:rolleyes:

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Canada's auditor general found major holes in the country's border security in the first full review since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

The names of 18,000 known and suspected terrorists, provided largely by U.S. officials, haven't shown up for several months on watch lists used by border police, the review found.

"These are the kinds of routine basic procedures that should be functioning well … especially with the heightened concern and preoccupation with security issues," said Canada's auditor general, Sheila Fraser.

The audit also found that 4,500 airport workers who were given full security clearances have criminal ties. Among the other findings: fingerprint background checks take nearly three months and border agents are never given information on the thousands of passports lost or stolen each year.

Canadians who criticize their leaders say security and counterterrorism are still not high government priorities even though an intelligence report just concluded that every major international terror group has a presence there. And some terrorists are believed to view Canada as a place to seek refuge, raise money and plan attacks.

Former Canadian Ambassador Martin Collacott (search ) blames a lax immigration policy and growing anti-American sentiment that views the U.S. War on Terror as heavy-handed.

"It's been made an issue by some people saying if we do this we're giving in to American pressure and we're eroding Canadian sovereignty," Collacott said. "No we're not. If we can't control our borders, we're not controlling our own sovereignty."

The Bush administration is hoping that a new Canadian prime minister will help change the tone north of the border and perhaps will work to close the gaps in security that many insist are putting the citizens of both countries at risk.

If you notice, Red lashes out at anyone who disagrees with his political rhetoric. Dont take his absurd revelations seriously. He must have personal self doubt issues to react the way he does.
Maybe his mummy didnt give him enough love or there was too much inbreading in his clan...We all know about them southern boys and their Deliverance mentality("banjos playing").

Slam Slam Slam
Why is everyone stuck on the WMD argument for us invading iraq? Yes, that was part of it, but not entirely.

Remember, Iraq surrendered to us in the first gulf war and the terms of their surrender we that we were allowed to do weapons inspections. They (Saddam) didn't allow the weapons inspectors to do their job so we had no idea what was really going down. WMD or not, we couldn't tell. Obviously, they were hiding something they wouldn't let the inspectors in right? That's what I thought. When they stopped following the terms set forth in the war resolutions it means the war should start back up again to settle this once and for all. UN didn't see it that way, we did. UN kept us from going in when we wanted, and I believe it also allowed Saddam time to hide his weapons or ship them elsewhere like Syria.
Talking about making a mountain out of a mole hill. The left wing media and those liberals who claim to support those fighting in Iraq, are using this abberation of prisoner abuse, to denigrate the military. Now, they can show their true colors of how they really feel about our soldiers, and hide behind their phony indignation. The Left only revels in another issue so they might get back in power. The media compares embarrassing these prisoners, who were doing their best to murder our soldiers, with the murder, rape, and dismemberment perpetrated by Sadaam's regime. These American soldiers are no better than those who committed atrocities in Vietnam as described by the patriot John Kerry. :rolleyes: These leftists can only believe in, blame America first. As far as anything the rest of the world has to say, I say, SCREW THEM. They said nothing when the corpses of Americans were being dragged through the streets. This is just an opportunity to condemn the United States.
Maybe we should have a picture of the burnt prisoners they took verses the guys piled up acting gay and ask which would you rather be and which is the more harmful?
I've seen alot worse, I had friends who lined up dead cong bodies and posed as if they were big game hunters and others who kept body parts as souvenirs.
The point is we are trying to liberate/save iraq and institute a democratic way of life. Sure makes us look just as bad as the people who were in charge before we came. I actually found the pictures humorous(I do have a twisted sense of humor).
What I also found interesting was the fact that several of the soldiers involved were civilian prison/jail guards, wonder where they learned it. These werent atrocities but they sure as hell dont make the U.S. look good and are bad for Bushbabys re-election campaign!

Q: Why are Camels called ships of the desert?

A: Because they are full of Iraqi seamen..

Originally posted by We4ster

Q: Why are Camels called ships of the desert?

A: Because they are full of Iraqi seamen..


Realizing that everybody isn't brain dead like you, :p I just want people to understand that the mistake a few soldiers made, while being stuck in that indescribable hell-hole, doesn't mean that much in the big picture. We're still at war, and we still have to win.

The war in Iraq is over, the government was overthrown and hussein is in custody..Its now a police action and a Nation building action, something we stink at!
Is Powell leaving?

I thought I heard a piece of this, but didn't get all of the message.

Powell is on Larry King tonight.
won't dispute it because it doesn't mean anything. None of the Saudi's that left the country on that flight had ANY links to terrorists. Is it a state law somewhere that if you have a brother you disowned 10 years ago commits a murder, You are to be arrested, because it sure isn't a federal law.

So, if I read that right, you find nothing Smelly about the Bin Ladens getting flown out of the country while the rest of North Americans were grounded?!?!?

Go ahead, defend them again.:mad: :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Foolis
So, if I read that right, you find nothing Smelly about the Bin Ladens getting flown out of the country while the rest of North Americans were grounded?!?!?

Go ahead, defend them again.:mad: :rolleyes:


"the Bin Ladens" are not OSAMA Bin Laden. Maybe it's different in your country, but arresting and detaining people who have not committed any crimes is generally frowned upon in ours. The Saudi plane wasn't he ONLY plane that left the country and No one on the Saudi plane has ever been linked to 9/11 (or even accused of it)

What's to defend? Richard Clarke himself gave the go ahead for the flights to leave.

He is worshipped as a god and can do no wrong, so what's YOUR problem?