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Is it the Tranny...OR, is the TC that has blown up?!?!?!?!?!?!


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Kid with a toy

Shaven Member
May 24, 2001
I went out last Saturday to "stir the rice" and started hearing this weird noise from under the car...coming from the tranny area. So I head home.

Here's what I've got...

-There are no visible leaks coming from the tranny.
-The tranny fluid looks like I just put it in.
-With the car running at an idle, and the flex plate cover off, there
are no visible wobbles of the flex plate or the torque convertor.
-With the car in Park or Neutral it doesn't make a peep.
-But, throw it into Reverse or any Drive gear...and it sounds like a
pissed off, growling Chihuahua.

Is it the Tranny...
Or, is it the Torque Convertor?

I'm a little hesitant to start replacing parts, without a solid, possible, maybe, of what it might be. TurboGN gave it a whack, and his vote is on the TC. Mine is too, but what do I know...I'm just a Kid With A Broke Toy.

The tranny is a bone stock original. The TC is a 2800 Red Stripe.

Steve and Russ, the infinite wisdom of the masters is once again needed. So feel free to chime in at any time. Oh Russ, guess whose car the Red Stripe came off of? If you guessed "Chris'", you are soooooo right.

All opinions are welcome. There are no wrong answers.


It's the torque converter.

Yes, Regis. That's my final answer. :D

BTW, good job describing the symptoms. You made it too easy.
I was afraid you'd say that. But, better the convertor to go out, than the tranny.

I read a reply on another post (late night research) from Mike Kurtz...our local Buick tranny guru. Same symptoms, same opinion...the torque convertor. He stated that it more than likely was a bearing trying to go out. So I guess that puts me back on the hunt for yet another TC.
Thanks for the reply...cause knowledge is power. Which makes me feel like I'm stuck in granny gear.

If you're not fixing it yourself have it towed to a transmission shop. If the TC is coming apart it can contaminate the trans and ruin it. The you've not only got to replace the TC, but have the trans rebuilt as well... unless of course, you want the trans rebuilt--which I did the first time, but not the second! I have to admit though, it was my fault. I should have known not to drive the car.
A plug for Mike Kurtz of Century Transmission here. He did replace the torque convertor free, even though it was outside it's warranty period.
You described to a T what happened to my tranny last summer. Mine had actually started acting goofy by not upshifting into overdrive. Then it was the other 3 gears. I dropped the pan and had lots of debris. I changed the fluid and filter and drove it. Same problem except it started making the growling problem. I dropped the pan and same amount of debris. Had the trans torn down and sure enough, the torque convertor was the culprit. I agree with the previous advice. Have the trans freshened up at the same time as debris from the convertor has most likely spread. With out freshening it up, you are just wasting time and money on a new convertor as the existing debris can quickly kill it.
Remember the old line? Cant find the time to do it right the first time, but you can always find the time to do it a second time.
It looks like I'm gonna replace the torque convertor myself...again. TurboGN and I both looked over the tranny fluid and found no debris. It looked great, but, I'm still gonna drain it out and yank the pan and the filter out to take a better look. Better safe than sorry. But I think I caught it in the nick of time. From the moment I heard the growling to the drive way, was about 2 miles.

I want a Mike Kurtz BMF tranny job, but since my lay off in November, I've put that wish on the back burner. If the tranny looks like it's been contaminated by the convertor, then I'll have no choice BUT to have Mike climb in there. When it comes to a Buick transmission, Mike's reputation is more of a legend. I have never heard anything bad about the man...never. When the cash flow starts to come back, Mike will definitely be seeing this tranny.

Thanks for all the input. This is why I love this board. It's like one big extended family. Erik
Originally posted by Kid with a toy
-But, throw it into Reverse or any Drive gear...and it sounds like a
pissed off, growling Chihuahua.

All opinions are welcome. There are no wrong answers.



NNNOOOOOO don't listen to those guys. You hit the nail on the head. Its a pissed off growling Chihuahua inside your transmittion!!! I had the EXACT same thing happen to me.:rolleyes: Trust me on this one.;) and remember -- All opinions are welcome. There are no wrong answers. :D
I thought about trying to save the pooch, but, have since decided to put her down and get another.

The ever unpopular Red Stripe will be buried in the back yard. She'll be put to rest next to the old front sway bar bushings, and the stock timing chain.

She will NOT be missed.

Instead I plan on adding a new member to our family. A Blue Stripe. Hopefully she'll last longer than two months.

Chris Terriot, I love you like an Uncle, but please, no more second hand torque convertors.:D
Where exactly is Waggaman located? I've been to New Orleans a few times, and love the boats...but, I've got to say that I've never been through Waggaman.

God's country

If you went to New Orleans from Texas then you dang near drove through Waggaman. You have to take the "Boutte" (pronounce booty :D ) exit (no pun intended) from I-10. Next time you plan on coming to town send me an email. I'd like to see where that dog got into your tranny.;)
The "Boutte" exit...isn't that just after the Huey P. Schlong bridge? I might have a pretty good idea where that is.

Huey P. LONG!!!

I live about 5 miles from the foot of the Huey P. Long. So you can come down the Boutte exit:D or ride on the schlong:D .