Is there a Portland TR club?


Addicted to Boost!
Jan 27, 2003
I am heading out this Saturday to interview with a company located just south of Portland. If I get the job I should be living there by mid March without my GN for a couple more months. I am just wondering if there are any car clubs for our cars or anything in general. I hope to have my GN out there by May or June if I end up moving.
Just because I miss my car, here is a picture of it. :D

Very nice!

Welcome to the Pacific NW. Be sure to make it out to Turbo Thunder in July so you can meet all the other Turbo Buick nuts.
Where is it held? My potential new boss is also a car guy as I found out in my phone interview. He has a ZO6 but emailed me a link to a track 20 minutes away from the office. That would be HUGE for me since the closest track to me right now is 90+ miles away so having one so close would just kick ass.

When I was doing the phone interview he asked if I knew about the weather out there. I told him I had spoken to people that have either lived there or visited and that I was excited to see that Portland International Raceway was so close. He asked what kind of car I had and when I told him a GN he said "Uh, I dont think I can hire you then, I am to used to having the fastest car in the parking lot" ;) He was joking but thats how I found out he is a car guy and that there was another track so close to the office.

I really hope I get this job. I learned how to pronounce Oregon and Tualitin and it would be so nice to be out of the deep freeze that is Minnesota. We havent had temps higher than 10 degrees for almost a month straight. I have had enough of the craptastic cold weather here.
Driving time-wise, you'd probably be closer to Woodburn Dragstrip if you're living in Tualitin. Woodburn is 1/4 mile. They run a pretty tight program, too. Lots of fast cars.

Welcome to Woodburn Dragstrip

Welcome to the North Wet. :D I was born-raised in Crack-a-my-ass county so I'm pretty familiar with the area. Need any advise/help then give me a shout.

You ever get a chance...come on down to Champion Raceway. Myself and another guy occassionaly race our GN's. I mostly run the malibu.

Champion Raceway Home

Take care...
I think most of the Northwest GN guys are around Seattle. I live here in Tigard. If you move to Tualatin we'd be neighbors. I know of a couple active Buick turbo guys around here and I'm sure there's more. There is a local chapter of the Buick Club of America that puts on a nice show in August around Salem...seen a few nice GN's there. Hope you get the job! If you want to start a club, I'm in.:D