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It’s time to say goodbye


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Scrambled Dog
Aug 26, 2013
Well it took less then a week to sell all my Buick parts. Less then two days to sell my beautiful Grand National. Only got to drive it about two hundred miles after Richard finish everything. I agree for the car to be used as a test mule for the DW400 fuel pump using the stock lines. Also the ecuGN computer, that Eric and Bob built this computer to control the voltage for the fuel pump. I will miss them. Of course Richard . I refer to Richard as the east coast Jedi. There are others. To many people to mention. My Doctors tell me that I shouldn’t drive anymore, as I am dealing with heart failure. There is nothing else they can do for me. I also have a number of other bad things going on also. Asking my Doctors what is my future, I’m told I will probably be taking the journey before much longer. Didn’t want to leave my wife to deal with my Buick. I’m 66 years old and have had a good life, and have had lots of good times and fun. So I will leave everyone with this thought. Every day try your best to laugh, have some fun and be happy to be here. If you have a bad day don’t go to bed like that do something to change you mood. If nothing else then jack off. Ray
Don't never let nobody tell you how much longer you have left to live.they did not create you so how can I tell you how much longer you have left. One of the problems today is man think he's God but in reality they can't do nothing without the stuff God put here. We are the creation and he is the creator. so instead of thinking about what the doctor said talk to God and ask him for healing,grace and favor

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While we have never had a chance to meet; You have always been humble, kind, giving and loving.

I am not sure what to say other than . . . Don't believe everything a physician tells you because wonders still happen every day!

I hope I don't break any rules saying:
I will pray for you and your family.
Ray, I'm very sad to hear of your prognosis. Known you've had health issues for a while but didn't realize it was that dire. I've appreciated your posts and your car for years. For what's it worth, I consider you a friend, part of the TB brotherhood. Godspeed.

This is terrible news. And while we have never met, however, I too would note that you have always been very kind to everyone. And for that I thank you!

Please forgive me, however, I am not always sold on doctors or their predicted outcome as far as what they may tell you? In that, I have an uncle in Florida who beat Stage 2/3 (not sure which now) colon cancer. Because he refused to believe what the doctors were telling him. And he did so through prayer, nutrition and Native American homiopathic remedies. So, please know that miracles happen each and every day. I will say a prayer for your speedy recovery and healthy heart! And if we all pray there is nothing that can’t be done!

We’ll praying for you Ray! May GOD restore your health and richly bless you and your family Ray! GOD bless!!

PS, My uncle is still running and Cancer free and has been for 11+ years now!
Hey Ray - you wouldn't have any real reason to remember me but we met a time or two at RC's and talked about your car. It was my pleasure and I have also enjoyed reading your posts. I hate you had to sell the car but Minimizing the things loved ones have to deal with is a blessing for them. I will say a prayer for you and family.

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My Doctors tell me that I shouldn’t drive anymore, as I am dealing with heart failure. There is nothing else they can do for me. I also have a number of other bad things going on also. Asking my Doctors what is my future, I’m told I will probably be taking the journey before much longer. Didn’t want to leave my wife to deal with my Buick. I’m 66 years old and have had a good life, and have had lots of good times and fun.

Don't you dare give up because of your physician. I don't know why your heart is in this situation as your information is limited, but if it is cancer, cancer is nothing more than dead cells encapsulated by trophoblast, which is why your immunity ignores it. These developed either because your liver was not able to filter your blood properly or efficiently, or you have a lack of pancreatic enzymes. Regularity is very key, and that is the truth. Don't you dare give up, you have way too much life left to live. Hardest part is changing your diet to bring things back to normal, and if you really want to stick around, then you must do that very thing. If I can be of any additional help please don't ever hesitate.

- Rob
Ray, you are an inspiration to me!
A lot of folks would have packed up and been bitter the hand delt to them. Every time you came to Richards you are upbeat and always have a smile and knowing your car went to an equally passionate person shows your perseverance and passion for the Buick Grand National. Thank you for your time ! Mike.
Hey Ray, it's Leland. We didn't meet that long ago and glad we got to meet to talk over our NVU dash issues. Yours was a outstanding car.
I don't know the particulars about what's going on with your health, but please remain as happy mentally and spiritually as possible.
Our bodies will do as our minds command them to, to the best of our bodies abilities.
No, there's no amount of positive mental attitude that will grow an arm back if it's been cut off.
Having said that, miracles happen every day.
There is a reason why it's called "practicing medicine"!
Prayers and well wishes and I'll see you at Richard's!!!
Well it took less then a week to sell all my Buick parts. Less then two days to sell my beautiful Grand National. Only got to drive it about two hundred miles after Richard finish everything. I agree for the car to be used as a test mule for the DW400 fuel pump using the stock lines. Also the ecuGN computer, that Eric and Bob built this computer to control the voltage for the fuel pump. I will miss them. Of course Richard . I refer to Richard as the east coast Jedi. There are others. To many people to mention. My Doctors tell me that I shouldn’t drive anymore, as I am dealing with heart failure. There is nothing else they can do for me. I also have a number of other bad things going on also. Asking my Doctors what is my future, I’m told I will probably be taking the journey before much longer. Didn’t want to leave my wife to deal with my Buick. I’m 66 years old and have had a good life, and have had lots of good times and fun. So I will leave everyone with this thought. Every day try your best to laugh, have some fun and be happy to be here. If you have a bad day don’t go to bed like that do something to change you mood. If nothing else then jack off. Ray
you hang in there Ray, i dont know you but im in the same boat some what , i have had congestive heart failure for 2 yrs now , and yes there are up's and down's but live your life to the fullest as you are doing, the rest is up to the Big man himself. prayers sent for you and your family..
Ray , like you I have problems. Getting ready to start chemo today for liver cancer. Like you, I might of had some bad days, but I had a good life. Hoping things work out for me.
Ray , like you I have problems. Getting ready to start chemo today for liver cancer. Like you, I might of had some bad days, but I had a good life. Hoping things work out for me.
Wish you much luck, my case is I would need an operation that they tell me the I would not survive, also only a 50/50 chance that it would even I will live out what time I have, more upset about selling my GN then anything. Didn’t know it would bother me like this. So it goes
Ray What area do you live in. We should organize a Buick meet in your area so you can stay connected. Hang in there buddy.