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Joke of a Mustang

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Wish I had a GN

So i'm coming home from taking my two girl friends(not girlfriends, as my dad thinks) to the hair studio on I-95 when we spot this spankin new mustang badged "Supercharged GT". Naturally the girls love this mustang and they think the guys in the car are "super hot". The driver is your typical asstang driver. He's trying to show off for my friends by flooring it for 100 feet and stuff like that. Finally he decides he's had enough and floors it to be done with us. I decided to follow him just o see what would happen and ,much to my suprise, I was able to keep up with him. Now I'm not claiming to be an expert on the subject but my 189 c.i.d. V6 should get blown away by a supercharged 302(i'm guessing). Are mustangs that slow :confused: or is my car just that phat. :cool: jk:D
Your guess sounds as good as mine would be. One fact is thast the new mustang's a now 4.6 and modular(no pushrods). if it had really been a sc'd 281 he shoulda left u in the dust. Oh and maybe you dad is just egging you on to get both of them in to your room for some old fashion movie makin', uhhh I mean to watch some movies... yeah that's what i'm looking for. :p
No way bro! You should've stomped him. Something must be wrong with your Lumina...
Supercharged stangs are slow. Why even waste your time. You should be racing Supra's and GN's if you want some competition. BTW, you are 15 aren't you?

Originally posted by Wish I had a GN
So i'm coming home from taking my two girl friends(not girlfriends, as my dad thinks) to the hair studio on I-95 when we spot this spankin new mustang badged "Supercharged GT". Naturally the girls love this mustang and they think the guys in the car are "super hot". The driver is your typical asstang driver. He's trying to show off for my friends by flooring it for 100 feet and stuff like that. Finally he decides he's had enough and floors it to be done with us. I decided to follow him just o see what would happen and ,much to my suprise, I was able to keep up with him. Now I'm not claiming to be an expert on the subject but my 189 c.i.d. V6 should get blown away by a supercharged 302(i'm guessing). Are mustangs that slow :confused: or is my car just that phat. :cool: jk:D
on I-95 when we spot this spankin new mustang badged "Supercharged GT". V6 should get blown away by a supercharged 302.

Damn must be one of those rare Stangs that still has a 302 in it, Must be a custom option for them special peeps out there, no wonder why it was slow bub..;)
umm.. i had a run in with a saleen s281. the car is no joke at all. i've only lost to 2 cars a ZR1 vette on a 70 roll (hey it was worth a shot huh?) and the saleen.
First of all, let me start out by saying that this is a completely legitimate story. I'm not making any of this up. Second, I was guessing on the 302. I don't know much about Fords. I'm a Chevy guy. I said I wasn't claiming to be an expert. Third, I was kidding about my car being "that phat", Hence the "jk". And finally, I'm 20, Reggie. Don't be so quick to judge. This wasn't meant to start a flame war. It was just an honest story. Why is this so hard to believe. You guys knock Mustangs all the time. Maybe he just slapped some "Supercharged" badges on his car. Who knows? Don't bash me for posting an honest story. I'm sorry if this sounds like i'm pissed at you guys. I guess I'm more dissappointed that i got that kinda reaction on my first story ever. But whatever, it's not that big of a deal.
all i'm saying is that there is no way that it happend.
ok if its true, then come to ny and run my gn. ok fair deal?
Originally posted by stroked347
Wish i had a GN =should be= Wish i hadda a life

look at my screen name...does that mean i wish i had a life as well? aww crap, guess youre right, you obviously know far more about us than anyone else. you must be able to see that we need to end the banality at once and do something semi-prolific with our sorry lives. thank you sir, for making my life worth while!!

on a separate note, in an honest response to this guys first post (you guys were almost as rude at the dudes at supraforums) it is very possible that this guy had fake badges, at the same time, do you even know if he was trying to lose you? maybe he wasnt giving it his all. either way, welcome! hope your experience here gets a little better over time, not sure how much worse it could get.
Are you lost?

Originally posted by stroked347
Wish i had a GN =should be= Wish i hadda a life

stroked347 = wishihadarealcar = lost internet surfer

If you were looking for a mustang board, you are definitely in the wrong place. Wow, a whole 3 posts so far as I type this...:rolleyes:

Wish I had a GN - "add on" badges would be the most likely possibility. Next is the (small) possibility of "sandbagging" HTH.
Originally posted by stroked347
Wish i had a GN =should be= Wish i hadda a life

i just responded to your other post. your the mustang personality that people hate..

Just what we need on this forum... another Blue Oval idiot who comes here for no other reason than to talk sh!t about how his rustang is better than our TRs:rolleyes: I think u may be lost so why don't u go home to!!!
Re: stroked347=TROLL

Originally posted by 86brick
Just what we need on this forum... another Blue Oval idiot who comes here for no other reason than to talk sh!t about how his rustang is better than our TRs:rolleyes: I think u may be lost so why don't u go home to!!!

dont even waste your time 86. i see he lives in NJ wait till my gn wakes up then he can talk. my gn might run thoes numbers and its a daily.
personally, i think that some of the members here should have their GN's taken away for having bad attitudes toward fellow buick lovers. the guy did not flame the GN, or anyone personally, all he did was ask if it was possible for him to win or what? i respect the fact that i would lose to a GN in my 84 monte carlo SS. I respect the fact that my car was not the top GM factory performance car of the late 1980's. i know for a fact that the GN's numbers were underrated when sold to the public. 245hp is pure BS. if the guy is here giving the almighty GN respect(which i think he did in his pic of screen name), i don't see the GN owners can not respect him back. i don't care if i get flamed for this post, but i will stand by the guy who orginally posted this thread because i think he has been treated unfairly.
Gee, im sorry if your car needs 14#s of boost to run my slow 12.20 times. Maybe i will see you on Rt. 9. Your gonna need-a-little-more-boost.... wish i hadda Gn is so far up your guys a$$es!
Thats it!

What's your problem, stroked347? Why are you even here? The last time I checked, this site was called, not You don't have anything that remotely resembles a GM much less a Buick. If you ask me, I think stroked347 is sufing the net, stroking something else, if ya know what I mean. You have succeded in making this something it was never intended to be. What's that you ask? A flame war. If thats what you want, I can get downright evil. I will draw power from the darkside provided by some of my friends here. I doubt it would b allowed to go that far but I'm sure I'm not the onlyone that thinks you're an ass.
I agree

This guy stroked347 is an ass and quite frankly I think he must of got his ass handed to him by a couple of TRs to be so jealous and to make stupid comments like the one he made to needboost were he states "Gee, im sorry if your car needs 14#s of boost to run my slow 12.20 times."... That's a real smart thought out statement considering I could say "Gee, im sorry if your car needs to extra cylinders and an extra 71 cubic inches!!! Also, your car needs heads/cam/intake while needboost can easily run low 12's to high 11's with only bolt ons with his V6 that also gets better gas mileage!!!"... I don't have a problem with mustang guys coming to this BB cause we have several guys that have come to this site that are really cool guys like Bob Cosby from, but u seem to have something to prove on this forum with insulting people and telling them they've got no life, so please grow up a little before u come to this site where most people are "fast with class" instead of "slow and acting like an ass!!!" Again, I would like to state that I got no problem with mustangs and their owners, but I don't like sh!t talking TROLLS:mad:
its coming i can feel it...

hey stroked. i see your from nj. why dont you wait till i get my gn set up on kill mode. lets just say i know e-town very very well. but thats not the question. if my car runs what it should i'm not only going to make you sorry you raced me i'll make you sorry that you bought a mustang!

i've had it with all thes slowstangs! i've had it with the trolls on this board!