When I ordered my custom Comp roller in MARCH 2020, I was told 3 to 5 weeks, here it is JULY 18TH 2022, and I STILL DON'T HAVE IT!!!!!!
About 5 months ago, I SCOURED the COUNTRY for a Comp. Buick cam, and after about 3 WEEKS of calling every Comp dealer listed, I scored a smaller (mid size catalogued) one in Nebraska, for only about $70.00 over retail, and $50.00 ground shipping.
This hurt my sensabities, since we are direct dealers, and Comp was 2nd day shipping at that time for $17.00.
If I get my custom cam before I do the final assy, the midsized Comp is for sale, if not, the custom will be for sale. Considering what we paid for the last Comp SBFord hydraulic roller about 2 weeks ago, (around $420.00+ shipping), I wonder what the new cost will be on the Buick cam....
Assuming I ever get it of course.....
Last I heard from them, they were about 67 V-6 Buick cams behind, and were recieving about a dozen in a batch, approximatly every 2 months.
Comp, and Bullet makes the most precision, and fastest ramp rate cams that I have tested on my cam machine,(so they typically make more torque and HP than the lesser grinders) but any cam you get, makes more HP than one you don't have...
not what you wanted to hear, but what you need to know....☹