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Killed everything I lined up against - new best times


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Supporting Member
May 26, 2001
Luckily I didn't line up against anything real fast.....

Tonight was the last Street Legal Drags night of the season at Island. There were 6 TRs tonight - 4 GNs and 2 T-types. One GN was mine, one T-type was my brother's. The other T-type is a very docile looking blue one running high 10s. I've seen him there before but haven't had a chance to talk to the guy. Really nice car.

Aaaaaanyway, I didn't do much planning tonight. I knew it was the last night and I was hoping to get some time today to change the oil, check the trans fluid - basically give the car the once-over. But no, I got real busy at work and had just enough time to put the taller Drag Radials on it and head for the track. I didn't have DirectScan because my brother threw a coil pack at the laptop and broke the screen. I have no idea what the boost is set at, but I know it was high (probably mid-high-20s). I put a Turbo Tweak 110 chip in it and added 5 gallons of 110 to the 9 gallons of 100 in the tank.

First run felt awesome out of the hole. Holy sh*t I thought - it's never hooked like that. The riced out Integra next to me was a distant memory. The 60' time confirmed it - it was my best to date: a 1.67. It started breaking up and popping through the intake about 1/2 track so I let up. I expected to see a crappy time on the slip but holy moly it was an 11.800 (best ET to date) @ 99 MPH. THIS was going to be a good night.

Second run was against a REALLY mean LS1 Z28. I'd seen him run before and knew I'd get killed. I had turned the boost down thinking maybe it would cure the popping I experienced on the first run. I heat up the radials, roll to the line and go. Felt great out of the hole - a 1.572 60' time! I look around for the Camaro and I don't see it. At the end of the track I was freaking out because I was afraid he was next to me or in a blind spot. But no, it grenaded at the line. It was flat-bedded out of there. I ran a best ever ET of 11.36 @ 115.4 MPH. MPH was still a little weak so I turned up the boost.

Third run was vs. a new GTO with aftermarket exhaust. He was on stock rubber so I knew he didn't have a shot. I gave it too much boost out of the hole and spun really bad. I hung in there hoping it would grab but it got worse and worse. I let up until it grabbed and nailed it again. Wasted the GTO anyway with a 12.7 @ 114.5.

Last run I turned up the boost a little more. I was up against a nice early 70s Camaro with a bar, slicks, the whole 9 yards. I spun off the line and got a 1.644 60' time. It spun beyond the 60' a little, too, but got me an 11.372 @ 117.47 MPH. New best MPH! I was stoked.

Watching that stock looking blue TR run 125+ MPH blows my mind, but I was still happy with the way my car ran tonight. I blew out the gasket on my dump pipe but as far as breaking stuff goes it could've gone a lot worse.

My brother ran a best of 12.4 @ 10X (not sure of the MPH) in his T-type so we both had a great night. His posi packed it in, though, so he only got 2 runs in. As fate would have it, I have an extra set of clutches laying around anyway.

There was a heavily tweaked Evo VIII there running mid-11s at 125 MPH. He just couldn't launch it for some reason. Not my cup 'o tea, but a fast car nonetheless.

XLR8 said:
Shweeeet :biggrin:

Thanks. I'd become really frustrated with the car. My previous best was 11.86 @ 115.0 back in September 2003. I have not been able to come close to those numbers in 2 years. It got to the point where I don't really even drive it anymore because it pisses me off. I did nothing different this time out other than goof around with the wastegate plumbing - it wasn't spooling correctly.

I still feel like there might be a little more in it. My converter isn't locking so I may be able to pick up a couple of MPH once that's fixed. After that I'm not sure what to do with it.

My brother ran a best of 12.4 @ 10X (not sure of the MPH)

12.4@106 and had to let up because my Caspers Knock guage went into the red toward the end of my run. :biggrin: