
What is the over and under on the number of buildings that will burn and the lives that will be lost.
Detroit has it's work cut out for it no doubt. During the "King" riot there were 53 murders, 10,000 arrests, 1,000 arsons, 2,300 injuries and $1,000,000,000 in damage (billion with a B).

My apologies for the sarcasm.

Before this deevolves into a Detroit vs LA argument, I must say this: Remember where your TR came from:D


Shane Smith
Misplaced Detroiter
Going home in 1177 Days.....
Originally posted by ledzeppac

Jordan did not make his team better like the other players did. Ballhog and show off.

The dumbest thing said yet. Jordan made nobodies into somebodies. Pippen is a mediocre player and has been ever since he left Michael....when he played with the Bulls he was a superstar....heard a peep out of him since? Nope.

Luc Longley couldn't even start on most teams in the league.

Steve Kerr.....very mediocre.

The list goes on and on.

Bird himself said what makes you so smart?
Isnt it amazing how we all look at the same thing in a different way? We can forget about the Jordan isnt the best remark just because it makes no sence at all. But when someone from Cal. says the Lakers are getting beat because the the refs are against them I have to laugh. The Lakers led the league in fouls shots taken. Shaq lives in the lane for up to 10 secs until they get him the ball. He bowls over smaller defenders to go to the basket and rarely gets called for a charge during the reg season. Announcers defend this by saying should he be penalized for being big and strong? That has to be one of the most stupid remarks ever. Using that logic why would any big man be called for charging if a guard gets caught guarding him on a switch? Dont forget they also get 2 or 3 more home games a year then any other team except the L A Clippers. This allows them to pad their record for final standings. The problem in these playoffs is the refs are calling the game like it should be called is its a foul its a foul.
Originally posted by Jeff Rand
Get the lawn chairs and marshmellows ready. If you think Detroit is depressing now, watch what happens after they win. What is the over and under on the number of buildings that will burn and the lives that will be lost.
It should have been a sweep considering the lucky shot in game 2 by (soon-to-be convicted rapist) Bryant.

On a side note I would expect a few apologies considering there were ONLY 13 arrests for disorderly conduct. No murders, no looting, no arsons, no nothing.... Sorry LA fans. :(
Originally posted by TT/A1233
2 by (soon-to-be convicted rapist) Bryant.

He will get acquited. Based on what I have heard about his "victum", if he is convicted, it will be another good example of how the court system is not always right.
As for the remark that the teams today are not as good as the teams from years ago, the remark is completely off base. Any one involved in profesional sports will agree that the players of today are bigger stronger faster then in the 70s 80s and 90s. we are now seeing several guards in the 6ft 6 to 6ft 8 range and even some like Garnet can play guard at 7 ft tall. The players are much better today because they are better athletes
Originally posted by rtviper
Any one involved in profesional sports will agree that the players of today are bigger stronger faster then in the 70s 80s and 90s. we are now seeing several guards in the 6ft 6 to 6ft 8 range and even some like Garnet can play guard at 7 ft tall. The players are much better today because they are better athletes
Yea, what he said. Thanks to the wide spread use of modern anabolic steroids and other synthetic enhancement drugs that weren't around not so long ago. Does Major League Baseball's recent drug use flap ring a bell? ;)
On a side note I would expect a few apologies considering there were ONLY 13 arrests for disorderly conduct. No murders, no looting, no arsons, no nothing.... Sorry LA fans.

I was watching the news hoping for some action, but nothing came:(
Yes those L A Lakers are a class act? They lost the finals and now Koby wants out O Neil wants out Gary will be gone. Jackson must really be a great coach to get those children into the finals?
Yes those L A Lakers are a class act? They lost the finals and now Koby wants out O Neil wants out Gary will be gone. Jackson must really be a great coach to get those children into the finals?
Yes those L A Lakers are a class act? They lost the finals and now Koby wants out O Neil wants out Gary will be gone. Jackson must really be a great coach to get those children into the finals?
Yes those L A Lakers are a class act? They lost the finals and now Koby wants out O Neil wants out Gary will be gone. Jackson must really be a great coach to get those children into the finals?
Damn how does that happen I saw a message that you cant have another post unless you wait a certain amount of time?? Really I wsnt that upset about the Lakers being dismantled I am from the Wash State and would welcome less competition from Cal.