Laptops for sale


Money pit
Jun 7, 2001
I have 2 laptops for sale.

One is a Dell Latitude C610 with a 1.2GHz PIII M proc, 512mb of RAM, 20gb HD, onboard Nic and Modem, USB, CD Rom, Floppy, Battery, Charger, carrying case, Windows XP Professional, and Office 2000. Looking to get $225. I thought I had this one sold, but the guy hasn't gotten back to me in a couple days. If anyone is interested, I will wait until the end of the day and then offer it to the first person to reply here.




The other is a Compaq ArmadaM700 with a PIII 700 proc, 196mb of RAM, 12gb HD, onboard Nic and Modem, USB, CD Rom, Floppy, Battery, Charger, carrying case, Windows XP Professional, and Office 2000. Looking to get $165.



I'm very interested in buying the Dell Latitude c610 if you still have it & it's in perfect working condition..Let me know...Thanks...sent you my # in a PM
Thanks for all the interest. PetesGN was the first to respond via PM for the Dell, so if I don't hear from the other guy by Noon he gets first crack at it.

Since there has been no interest in the Compaq I will drop the price on it to $140 shipped. :smile:

Oh yeah, and for all those who inquired, the batteries on both laptops hold a charge just fine.
Hey mike watch speed is the processor on the compaq pls let me know ,if it is decent i will take it waiting on your response .

thanxs randy
Ok, it's after 12pm and I haven't heard from the first guy. PetesGN, I PM'd you with my Paypal address. It's yours if you want it. Sale pending.
I emailed you yesterday about the compaq computer.Did you not get the email or was it in your spam folder maybe.Doug
I emailed you yesterday about the compaq computer.Did you not get the email or was it in your spam folder maybe.Doug

Let me check. I never use the email that I register on forums because spammers use these places sometimes to pick up addresses. It's yours if you want it. $140 shipped. I emailed you back with the details.


Thought you have to wait till the end of the day??

I've been waiting on the guy who was first in line on another forum since he said he's take it on Wednesday. I looked and he has read all of my PM's and did not reply. I gave him til noon today to decide and never heard back. He got my PM and his profile showed activity, so I got sick of waiting. I found a ring I want to give my wife for Christmas and need money fast. Let me know if you still want it.
hey mike like I said earlier today I want compaq send me details for payment .

thanxs Randy

VASCAR 3 actually emailed me yesterday, but I was only checking the post and PM's, so since he was the first to respond he got the first shot. I received Paypal from him so the Compaq is sold. I'm sorry about that.