LASIK surgery

I had mine two years ago. I had read some horror stories online and was a little nervous, but I found a reputable doctor (wasn't the cheapest btw) and I've had great vision since. I had to use drops for about a month afterwards.

I can tell you one thing. I did not enjoy the procedure. I've spent my entire life avoiding touching my eyeball with anything and the procedure was not comfortable to me.

Had mine 8 years ago, Was horribly near sighted, glasses since kindergarten. Spent @ $4000 for both eyes. I did my homework on providers and chose wisely. I had some moderate to bad dry eye for the first two months, but it is great now. BEST DECISION ever. I did notice that very low light environments it takes a second to focus but I am glad I chose to get it. from basically blind to 20/15 vision.
I think doing the research is a very important point. I have noticed there are a lot more $400 per eye LASIK providers out there. I definitely would not trust that at all. I am pretty darn confident in the doctor doing it because he is very highly regarded in our state and he always keeps up to date on the technologies, like Wavefront. Just the simple fact that it took over an hour to do all of the tests and talk with him about whether I am a candidate made me feel good. I just know that since I can't use contacts (tried them exactly one time and couldn't deal with it) and hate glasses, this is my option. I play so many sports and outdoor things that being near sighted was not too good.

Thanks for all of the replies.