Latest Cannonball Rally

BTW, not taking it personally or seriously, not like I've ever been in either one. It is a cool subject to think about,and would be a blast to do (the bad things usually are). You ought to check out the book, really, it's pretty funny reading. They ended up with some pretty interesting people.

The Story Behind the Movies!, March 3, 2003

Matt Wiser (see more about me) from Auberry, CA USA

Brock Yates finally tells the real story behind the famous (or infamous, depending on one's POV) Cannonball Races. The reader finds out that although the movies tell some of the story, Yates and many of the participants tell the REAL story behind these illegal races.

I fully agree with the picture of Car and Driver's December 1975 issue: The 55 speed limit WAS the dumbest law since Prohibition. It was interesting to see that many of the characters in the movies were based on real people-and you see some of them in the book (guys dressed as priests, the fake ambulance crew, etc., while some had to be left out of the movies for lack of space, it would have been nice to see the guys in the Suburban depicted in the movie, or the doctors in the Jaguar driving with a Igloo ice chest with a pair of pig's eyes in the cooler marked DONOR).

A good read about a time when the roads were more open and many had the attitude about the 55 that Yates and company shared. I only wish that it was possible to run a Cannonball today-to quote a participant, Robin Miller (Now with ESPN's RPM2Night) "I'd do it in a New York minute."

Now if only I could borrow Mom's new Chevy Tahoe for the race...
GN One Day... You are sounding a bit like a player hater.

So what if they have more money than you? Are "spoiled"? Drive a nicer car? Or can afford the entry fee?

Why not work harder and smarter, earn your way in, and show them what's what?

People are going to do this stuff anyway... and 5-6days to do what can be done in 33 hours, really isn't all that bad.

I know I'd run this if I had the chance. Maybe I will.

But, don't hate me because I have the car that you want.
So because a guy has a Ferrari, he's automatically right and I'm just jealous? That's ridiculous. Of course I'm jealous of the car. ;) Doesn't change the fact that most of the guys on the DVD came across as arrogant jerks. That, I do not envy. Doesn't just come with money either, but in most of these guys' cases, maybe it did. Maybe it was just the choices of people they put on the DVD. It's not the money, it's not the cars, it's the attitude those guys had that was so annoying.
BTW, I don't hate you. :D
(Rather have a common C5-R than any "Furrary" made.) :)


Is that DVD still available?

It's great to laugh at effete elitists pursuing manly endeavors!

Their worst insecurities always seem to masquerade as arrogance.

Hohohoho! :)
Here you go:
Best Buy
Got mine in the store, so you might get lucky there.
It is fun to watch a great collection of cars like that. Just about anything you want to see. It'll break your heart to see a Ferrari less than a week old already in need of a paint job though! ;)
I checked out the website a few months ago, seems like they might have been making an "official" DVD of it. I'd probably get that too, might be better coverage. I'm willing to be wrong.