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LED Stays red


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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
So after winter storage, test my alchy and the led goes red and stays red. Remove the line and put a spare nozzle on the end and into a bucket. Press the test button and it stays red. Put my finger over the end and it goes green. Then it will stay green with removing my finger until you let the button go and try it again and it will stay red. Pressure seems the same when it is red or green. Take the car out and it stays red and alchy power injection stays bright green and no knock. Thoughts on this??
Sounds like the pump is getting weak. I've had Alky in my car for 7 years and if a pump lasts me over a year it's a bonus. Usually I start testing the pump regularly after 6-7 months before I go to the track. When it gets slow to go green or stays Ted the test shows the pressure is dropping. Hth
Thanks for the input, appreciate it. I took the car to the track because the weather is so good and I took some boost and timing out to be safe and the green light came on and stayed on ! Oh and the car ran its best time ever, go figure. I have a call into Julio and will get a new pump or rebuilt these pumps.